43 Interesting Facts About Men You Probably Didnt Know

The timeworn question, “Are men from Mars?” still lingers in the air. Although the same species, men are (obviously) quite variegated from their sexuality counterparts. But what are some of the most interesting facts well-nigh men?

If you’ve overly pondered that word-for-word question, you’re in the right place. And the differences between the sexes seem far deeper than most psychological facts suggest. So why not find out precisely what makes men tick?

Read on to discover the inner workings of the male body, mind, and spirit. By the end of this list, you’ll be worldly-wise to put the rumors of men stuff Martians to rest.

man walking withal a road in the mountains

Image by Sofia Cristina CĂłrdova Valladares from Pixabay

43 Interesting Facts well-nigh Men

Although everyone strives to be their own trademark of unique, some things are stock standard. Men are no different. As unshared as they struggle to be, unrepealable truths are shared wideness the board. Here are 43 facts well-nigh them guaranteed to requite you a new perspective on the sometimes withdrawn men virtually the world.

1. Men Moreover Have a G-Spot

Let’s get this one out of the way right from the start. The male soul moreover includes a G-spot, elusive as it might be to some. According to scientists, vastitude its primary functions, the male prostate doubles as a part-way point for many nerves. Stimulation of the prostate has been recorded as delivering quite a lot of pleasure. We’ll leave it at that.

2. They Are Hotter, But Not The Way You Think

Everyone knows that one guy. The one that walks virtually in a tempest of unprepossessed in nothing but shorts and a t-shirt. Well, there is some science overdue this. Due to the male soul consisting of increasingly muscle tissue, men have, in general, a lower resting soul temperature. This, in turn, aids their persons in retaining heat increasingly efficiently.

3. Their Metabolisms Are Fast

One of the most envious advantages of stuff a man is their fast metabolic rate. It just seems to perform a lot quicker compared to that of women. This is considering they shrivel increasingly energy daily, thanks to their lean muscle tissue.

4. Men Can Lactate

As odd as it might sound, men can lactate. Just as women are born with mammary glands, men are moreover born with these glands. So technically, men can lactate if their persons wits a spike in the hormone prolactin. It needs to be a significant spike, so cases of this happening aren’t that many.

man-in-thought interesting facts well-nigh men

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5. This Never Happens, I Promise

Erectile Dysfunction is a lot increasingly worldwide than men would have you believe. Vastitude the worrisome moments it can create, it could be a significant warning sign concerning health issues. These include heart disease, upper thoroughbred pressure, and upper thoroughbred sugar.

6. The Science Overdue An Erection

Have you overly thought well-nigh the science overdue an erection? No? Well, here’s the wordplay you probably didn’t want. When a man is sexually aroused, neurotransmitters in the smart-ass release Nitric Oxide (NO) into the body. This, in turn, increases the arterial thoroughbred spritz into the penis, causing an erection.

7. They’re Thick Skinned

And no, this isn’t a metaphor. Men really have thicker skin. Studies have shown that a man’s skin is well-nigh 25% thicker when compared to that of a woman. This is attributed to their higher levels of testosterone.


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8. Men Moreover Go Through PMS

So, maybe the term PMS isn’t entirely correct. Men moreover go through bouts of immense hormonal changes. This causes PMS-like symptoms such as irritability, fatigue, stomach cramps, and hunger.

9. 50 Shades Of Eyesight Issues

On average, men see fewer shades of color. This is thanks to a lower number of retinal cones present within their eyes. The prominence of these cones is unfluctuating to the presence of the X chromosome — of which men only have one. 

10. They Need To Be The Hero

Everyone loves a hero, and men expressly love to be the hero. Now, surpassing you shake your throne and symbol this to their egos, that’s not the case. Psychologists have coined the term ‘a hero instinct’, and every man has it. This causes men to step up to be the hero instinctively.

11. Instinctive Jealousy

This is flipside one of those instincts that seem illogical but is nonetheless a worldwide shared trait amongst men. That is, to be jealous — expressly when it comes to those tropical to their significant others. Be it the boy or girlfriend. The tendency to exhibit jealousy over any relationship is expected.

12. They Handle Physical Pain Badly

Believe it or not, it has been studied and terminated that men are increasingly sensitive to physical pain than women. Considering they’re increasingly susceptible to it, they instinctively wilt increasingly enlightened of it. This is moreover the reason they deal with grief and sadness in a variegated way.


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13. Men Can Actually Multitask

A man’s worthiness to well-constructed multiple tasks simultaneously isn’t just an illusion. Scientists have recorded that men can naturally focus on increasingly than one or two tasks at a time. Women, on the other hand, tend to lose focus slightly quicker than their male counterparts.

14. It Takes An Idiot To Cheat

There is quite a bit of science overdue men who are unfaithful in a relationship. Marital psychologists, for example, have delivered results from studies on men who cheat. The result was that men with a lower stereotype IQ tend to trickery more. 

15. It’s In Their Stare

Men like to let their vision wander, which isn’t just in reference to “some” men. A survey washed-up by the Kodak Lens Vision Part-way found that a man spends roughly one year of their lifetime staring at members of the opposite sex.

16. Men Are Prone To Murder

A global study washed-up in 2018 by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime revealed that 58% of all women killed in a homicide meet their ends at the hands of their intimate partners. In this study, shockingly, 137 women are killed by their boyfriends/husbands daily. 


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17. They Lie

A survey conducted by the Daily Mail in Britain found that, on average, a man tells from 6 to 10 lies a day. The same study found that women tell between 3 and 5 lies a day.

18. Unrobed Is Better?

Beyond the genetic aspects of going bald, unless you squint like Vin Diesel or Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, you’d imagine it a bad thing. Well, this is not the case. Incubation has resulted in men who are unrobed or have shaved heads stuff considered 13% taller than men with a full throne of hair, a study found.

19. They Like Porn, A Lot

This isn’t really that surprising. Well, it depends on who you’re asking. But, considering men have a increasingly substantial visually stimulated neural chemistry (in all walks of life), watching porn affects their brains significantly. Thus resulting in them watching and enjoying it more.

20. Indecision Is Rife

When a man is in love (or lust), a chemical known as phenylethylamine (PEA) is produced increasingly significantly in the brain. Now, while this has a lot of effects on a man’s behavior, one thing that it does is rationalization an impairment in judgement. Thus, men in love struggle to make decisions.

21. Asking For Help Is Their Kryptonite

To men, a sign of their masculinity lies in their worthiness to master any task or conquer any obstacle. In everyday life, though this is often not the case, it is then when men have to ask for help. It’s really an ego thing, but to most men, an external plea for help is seen as a sign of weakness.

Man laying in bed looking on his phone with a woman overdue him sleeping.

22. Zipper Injuries Are Common

In 2013, data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) revealed that 2,000 men in the USA are admitted to the ER annually for zipper-related injuries. So while the zipper is a necessity in suit — it can get in the way.

23. A Third Nipple

Although not worldwide knowledge, it is unscientific that one in every 100 men will have a third nipple. Known in the medical world by many variegated terms, this nipple is often not fully ripened and is merely (for lack of a largest word) decorative.

24. Cheaters Never Win

In a research paper from the American Heart Association, it is reported that during autopsies washed-up on 5,559 male victims of cardiac arrest, 34% occurred during intercourse. Background studies to this one revealed that of that 34%, nearly 93% of the heart attacks occurred during extramarital intercourse. 

man with throne in hands

25. They Don’t Last Long

The University of the West Indies unswayable in 2019 that men’s stereotype life expectancy is well-nigh 64 years. Women, on the other hand, have a life expectancy of 68 years.

26. And When They Do, It’s Still Not Long

Sadly, throughout a man’s life, the stereotype elapsing of a male orgasm is only 6 seconds. In comparison, the stereotype sexuality orgasm lasts for 23 seconds.

27. Leading Roles Usually Go To Men

If there were overly a increasingly unjust polity than Hollywood, they’d have to outdo themselves to topple the biggest trend in Hollywood. This, of course, is that well-nigh 75% of all leading roles in blockbuster movies are written for men.


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28. Upper Heels And Men

Men got one thing right: the invention of high-heeled shoes. Dating when to the 10th century, Persian soldiers designed the first pairs of upper heel shoes. Specifically, archers wore these to wastefulness their feet and increase their aiming accuracy.

29. Men And Suicide

As truly sad and heartbreaking as suicide is, statistics have shown that while women tend to struggle suicide, men are three to four times increasingly likely to succeed. If you or a loved one need support or increasingly information on suicide prevention, click here.

30. There Are Increasingly Men 

On average, per year, for every 100 victual girls that are born, 107 victual boys are born. This statistic is moreover a significant indicator of the growing trend in countries such as China, where roughly 40 million men in 2020 (in the typical age gap for marriage) were left unmarried.

31. Exercise Works Variegated For Men

While exercise has well-healed benefits for both males and females, the way it affects the soul differs between genders. Where women shrivel increasingly fat during exercise, men shrivel increasingly carbohydrates.

Man talking to someone with his phone with woman watching him from behind.

32. Their Sense of Smell And Taste Is Lacking

Women, on average, have 50 increasingly neurons in their olfactory bulbs, which is the part of the smart-ass responsible for processing smells and tastes. This ways that men process unrepealable scents and tastes far slower than women.

33. They Need To Provide

Blame it on evolution, but men instinctively have a massive need to be a provider. Regardless of what is stuff provided (food, shelter, or safety), it is programmed into a man’s evolutionary thread to act as a provider. If they can’t, they are increasingly prone to depression.


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34. Men Just Never Requite Up

Men are very persistent. That is wontedly known. Psychological research has shown that considering of a man’s higher sense of pride, they will not stop pursuing something until they unzip it. The opposite is moreover true. If a man simply doesn’t want to do something, it won’t get done.

35. Requite Into Their Visionless Side, They Do

Okay, so ‘the visionless side’ doesn’t sound good, but in actuality, this ways that men are prone to wits negative emotions. Psychologically this is attributed to men putting themselves in dangerous situations, either by nomination or accidentally. This moreover leads to men expressing negative emotions increasingly often than women do.

Woman looking when at the man which she is sitting together overdue her back.

36. They Thrive In Social Settings

Humans, in general, are social creatures. Men, however, seem to be increasingly socially enlightened than women. This is thanks to their higher levels of testosterone, which drives their need to be dominating and seen in social settings.

37. The Story Of The Loneliest Man On Earth

A lonely man is a very sad man. Genetically, men are increasingly inclined to seek the visitor of others. Stuff virtually other people creates a sense of security in the mind of a man, and thus, feelings of loneliness stupefy men increasingly often.


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38. Any Feedback Is Good Feedback

Although it might not seem like it, men thrive on feedback from others. Going hand-in-hand with their need to be surrounded by people, men tend to excel and unzip largest things when washed-up without receiving input from external parties.

39. Get Those Feelings Away From Men

Emotions are one of the few things in the world that everyone experiences daily. How you handle them might be unique to you, but there is some gender-based science overdue it. In general, men struggle a bit increasingly to express and process emotion. This is due to them stuff increasingly logically oriented than women.

40. He Has A Praise Kink

It might seem like some sort of medieval conditioning, but men operate on a praise and reward system. In fact, psychologically, men tend to perform largest when given praise or offered a reward. And it doesn’t plane need to be a shower of praise. Really, any recognition seems to do the trick.

41. Everything Is A Competition

Yes, men are competitive by nature. But, the reason overdue a man’s natural reaction to unchangingly wanting to come out on top lies in their evolution. When cavemen had to impress their sexuality counterparts, everything was a competition — and plane today, it seems this fact is as well-judged as ever.


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42. Words Apparently Do Come Easy

First, a man’s Adam’s apple is increasingly prominent than a woman’s considering of a larger voice box. Secondly — and ladies, listen up — a research paper published in Psychology Today revealed that men are increasingly likely to shoehorn their love for someone first. By a three-to-one ratio, at that.

43. Mother Nature Has A Vendetta It Seems

It might be considering of a man’s penchant for dangerous situations, but men are increasingly likely to get struck by lightning. At least five times increasingly than women. Next time there’s a thunderstorm, maybe alimony the men locked inside?

Final Thoughts On The Male Species — Should We Alimony Them?

Well, there you have it. A whole stow of the most interesting facts well-nigh men. Sometimes they can seem increasingly complicated than a Rubik’s cube, and at other times as simple as falling out of a tree (which happens a lot). While the jury is still out on their planetary origins, hopefully, armed with this list, you’ll decide to alimony them around.


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For remoter reading on human policies in general, have a squint at these psychology facts well-nigh behavior or plane these fascinating facts well-nigh dreams or interesting facts well-nigh soulmates.

Psychological Facts well-nigh guys in love