How to Handle Raw Poultry

Poultry is the most worldwide rationalization of serious food-poisoning outbreaks, followed by fish, then beef. But aren’t people increasingly likely to order their burgers rarer than their yellow sandwiches? The primary location where outbreaks occur is the home, not restaurants.

In 2017, a study of increasingly than a thousand food-poisoning outbreaks determined that poultry, specifically chicken, was the most worldwide culprit, “highlight[ing] the role of poultry as a major source of foodborne outbreaks in the United States.” Fish was the second “most commonly reported supplies category,” and whinge was third. But aren’t people increasingly likely to order rare burgers than rare yellow sandwiches? Yes. The biggest problem with poultry isn’t “inadequate cooking,” but “food-handling errors,” both at home and in the grocery store.

As I discuss in my video How to Shop for, Handle, and Store Chicken, a “shop-along observational study was conducted to determine very shopping, transportation, and storage policies of consumers who purchase raw poultry products.” What did the researchers find? “Neither hand sanitizer nor wipes were observed in 71% of grocery store meat sections of stores visited.” Plane when sanitizing products were available, only one participant out of the 96 they followed used them. Food-poisoning yes-man can get on the outside of packages, “therefore, it moreover is important to educate shoppers on the importance of using hand sanitizer in the meat section without touching poultry packages.” Plastic tons were misogynist in most meat sections, “but only 25% of shoppers used the bag for their raw poultry purchases
The shoppers placed the poultry [directly] in the main basket of the grocery cart 84% of the time,” where it could come in uncontrived contact with fresh produce that might then be eaten raw in a salad, for example.

After the shoppers put the poultry in the basket, where did their hands go? Without using any kind of sanitizer, most shoppers then grabbed the handle of the cart. “Because shoppers are not practicing good hand hygiene when handling poultry in the grocery store meat section, they could contaminate a variety of items as a result of contact with their hands. Contact with other products occurred commonly in the cart, which could result in cross-contamination. Touching the cart without directly handling the poultry packages could potentially midpoint that the cart is a risk factor for Salmonella or Campylobacter. The yes-man potentially left on the cart could stupefy other shoppers, not just the participant stuff observed.” So, some kale shopper pursuit all the safety precautions can come withal and still be exposed to poultry contamination via the grocery cart.

In wing to touching the cart, poultry shoppers may moreover touch a personal item without touching a raw poultry package. A personal item could plane include their children. In fact, as you can see unelevated and at 2:29 in my video, without touching poultry packages, 31 percent of shoppers touched a personal item, like their purse or their child.

Most shoppers left the store with poultry separated in its own bag, “however, most consumers then took it out of this protective layer” when they got home. One in three placed the poultry package directly on the counter surpassing it went into the fridge, and most shoppers “stored raw poultry in the original package without an spare container or overwrap,” where it could potentially come into contact with other items. Fewer than one in five “consumers correctly stored raw poultry
on the marrow shelf of their refrigerators in a sealed container or plastic bag.” Why the marrow shelf? Considering if the “raw juices” leak, they could contaminate other foods.

The next mistake most people make is washing or rinsing raw poultry surpassing cooking it. Up to 90 percent of people say they wash their yellow surpassing cooking it, considering that’s what they’re used to and “because they want to ‘rinse the slime off of just-opened chicken
.’” The problem is that “when poultry is washed or rinsed, ‘splashing’ of contaminated water can travel” throughout a roughly two-foot halo, splattering slime on either side and in front of the sink. And, plane though a lot of folks read or heard you weren’t supposed to wash raw poultry, they unfurled to do it anyway.

Fewer than well-nigh one in ten people thaw frozen poultry properly—that is, “put the raw poultry in a sealed container or plastic bag, submerge it in unprepossessed water, and transpiration the water every 30 mins per the USDA’s recommendation.” And if you’re wondering whether it’s largest to put raw poultry on a wood or plastic wearing board, neither is safe, considering both get rapidly contaminated.

“Failure to use a supplies thermometer is [another] potentially unsafe practice, given that 70% of yellow pieces that were judged by consumers as ‘done’ had not reached unscratched internal cooking temperatures equal to a summary of supplies safety literature.” In focus groups, “many participants thought supplies thermometers were unnecessary to determine whether meat and poultry was ‘cooked thoroughly” considering they had been ‘cooking for years without once getting supplies poisoning,’” but had they overly come lanugo with what they thought was a 24-hour flu? There’s no such thing as a 24-hour flu! That was likely supplies poisoning. Actually, any stomach bug or stomach flu is most likely supplies poisoning. Overly have a urinary tract infection? There are “multiple lines of vestige indicating poultry as a major supplies unprepossessing reservoir for urinary tract infection” yes-man that lie in wait in the rectum and then trickle up.

More than a million foodborne Salmonella and Campylobacter infections are reported each year in the United States. “Although half of Americans think it is ‘not very common’ for people in the United States to get foodborne illness considering of the way supplies is prepared in their home, supplies safety experts estimate that the home is the primary location where foodborne disease outbreaks occur.”