Lung Inflammation Smoking Cannabis vs. Cocaine vs. Tobacco

There is unequivocal vestige that regular cannabis smoking causes vigilant lung inflammation, but what are the long-term consequences?

“There is unequivocal vestige that habitual or regular marijuana smoking is not harmless and causes respiratory symptoms and airway inflammation.” As you can see unelevated and at 0:24 in my video Effects of Smoking Marijuana on the Lungs, if you take biopsies from the airways of those who smoke “cocaine, cannabis, and/or tobacco,” compared to nonsmokers, there is significantly increasingly forfeiture in the lungs of people who smoke, whether cocaine, marijuana, or tobacco. What’s more, the levels of forfeiture seemed comparable, expressly between the marijuana smokers and tobacco smokers. This is remarkable since the tobacco smokers were smoking well-nigh a pack a day, whereas the marijuana smokers were only smoking well-nigh 20 joints a week, rather than 25 cigarettes a day, and those smoking cocaine were just doing a gram or two a week. So, to see similar rates of forfeiture between marijuana smokers and cigarette smokers suggests each joint is way worse than each cigarette.

Indeed, we’ve known for 30 years that smoking three or four joints is the equivalent of smoking well-nigh a pack a day of cigarettes, in terms of bronchitis symptoms and vigilant lung damage. How is that possible? Well, it may be the way they’re smoked. Pot smokers inhale increasingly tightly and then hold in that smoke four times longer, resulting in increasingly tar deposition in the lungs. And, joints are increasingly loosely packed and unfiltered, resulting in both hotter smoke and smokier smoke. So, plane though in many ways smoke is smoke, the variegated method of smoking may explain how a few joints a day towards to rationalization as much inflammation as an unshortened pack of cigarettes a day.

Researchers found that the “visual vestige of airway injury was at times striking.” At 1:58 in my video and below, you can see what your airways, that is the tubes inside your lungs, look like with and without tobacco. On tobacco, the airways get inflamed. What well-nigh with cannabis? You get the same kind of inflammation in your lungs on pot as you do with tobacco. But, what’s crazy, is that is inflammation is with just 5 joints a day, compared to 26 cigarettes a day.

What happens when you compare the respiratory symptoms associated with marijuana versus tobacco, compared to nonsmokers? As you can see unelevated and at 2:31 in my video, both marijuana smokers and tobacco smokers have elevated rates of chronic cough and glut sputum production, as well as vigilant episodes of bronchitis and wheezing, compared with nonsmokers. Now, when you quit tobacco, these respiratory symptoms sooner go away. Does the same happen with marijuana? What are the effects of quitting cannabis on respiratory symptoms?

As you can see unelevated and at 2:56 in my video, well-nigh 30 to 40 percent of regular cannabis users suffer from cough, glut sputum, wheezing, and shortness of breath. A thousand young adults were followed for years. In those who kept smoking, their respiratory symptoms got worse or remained the same, but those who quit tended to get better.

If we don’t quit, what are the long-term lung consequences? What well-nigh chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), like emphysema? Plane if smoking a single joint compromises lung function as much as up to five cigarettes, you’re still smoking 15 times less overall. So, shouldn’t you end up with less long-term lung damage? That is, indeed, what’s been found. Plane long-term pot smokers don’t appear to suffer lasting lung damage. When people were followed for 20 years, researchers found that an occasional joint didn’t towards to have any discernable effect on long-term lung function, though there may be some “accelerated ripen in pulmonary function” among those smoking joints every day for decades, so marijuana “moderation” is suggested.

In other words, “[a] circumspection versus regular heavy marijuana usage is prudent,” but “even regular heavy use of marijuana” is nothing compared with “the grave pulmonary consequences of tobacco.” “Any toxicity of marijuana pales when compared with the greatest legalized killer in the world today—tobacco.” In fact, the greatest risk to our lungs from marijuana may be that it can be a “gateway” drug to cigarettes.

What well-nigh using a vaporizer? Find out in my video Smoking Marijuana vs. Using a Cannabis Vaporizer.

I have a whole treasure chest of cannabis videos. If you want to see them all, I put the whole hodgepodge on a digital DVD you can download or stream.