Weird Fun Facts About Everyday Things


Do you know how long the stereotype person sits at a stop light? Or why it seems like the Coca Cola from McDonalds unquestionably does taste better? The answers are 6 months and stainless steel containers instead of plastic bags. Here’s the subtitle on those and increasingly everyday weird fun facts for you.

Stop Lights for Life

For six months of your life that is. The stereotype person sits at a stop light for six months of their lives. Is that jarring to anyone else? Six months out of each of our lives, we sit in the car waiting for a light to change? For each time we stop at a stop light, we spend well-nigh 75 seconds waiting. What an everyday  weird fun fact.

McDonald’s Coke is Special

The thing is, McDonald’s and Coca Cola have been working together since 1955. Their tropical relationship works for both companies and the syrup that McDonald’s uses for its soda fountains is shipped via stainless steel containers and not in plastic bags.

Lots of Trees for Lots of Toilet Paper

Trees are cut lanugo everyday, whether for paper products or construction. For toilet paper specifically, it’s a lot of trees that are cut down, like 270,000 trees a day. And that’s just for toilet paper. Plane surpassing 2020, us Americans used a lot of stump wipe, a whopping 34 million rolls a day.

Cap’n Crunch has a Real Name

And there’s a reason overdue the name Cap’n Crunch, of course. His real name is Ferdinand Magellan and his ship was tabbed the S.S. Guppy. When the cereal debuted in the 1960s, it came out that kids preferred crunchy foods to soggy ones, hence the name, Cap’n Crunch.

Why T-shirts?

Did you know that t-shirts were invented 100 years ago? Cooper Underwear Company began razzmatazz their newest product, t-shirts, to bachelors who couldn’t sew or replace buttons. They originally came out as all white and were quickly trendy.

Pencils Write a Lot of Words

According to reports, a pencil can write virtually 45,000 words and yank a 38 mile long line. That’s a lot of lead for one pencil.

The Most Widely Printed Book

The most widely printed typesetting is the IKEA catalog. Can you believe it? The store has a very easy to use website but there are 208 million copies of this typesetting printed every year, which surpasses the Bible, Quran, and the Harry Potter series. The itemize varies slightly depending on where you see it considering it attempts to follow the culture and norms of the country that it’s printed for. The IKEA itemize is printed in over 72 regions. 

Keyboards Slow Lanugo Your Typing

A fun fact I share with you, as I sit here, typing. Ugh. The reports on a keyboard are situated in a unrepealable way, and have you overly wondered why they aren’t in alphabetical order? This method of keyboard organization, if you will, was ripened as a way to slow lanugo typists. Typewriter users when in the day became so skilled with their craft, that they were jamming the typewriters that they were typing on. The QWERTY method, moreover known as the QWERTY keyboard, unquestionably helped to alimony the machines from breaking down, and that is why it’s still used today. (Interestingly enough, plenty of people have no issues speedily typing along, theoretically no matter what the keyboard layout looks like. Not that we know any different.)

Bananas are a Fruit

Duh, right? But did you know that schizy are a berry? Considering of the outer skin, the fleshy middle, and the innermost part of a comic that has the seeds, this fruit technically qualifies as a berry. This fruit checks off all the “berry” boxes, if you will. Kiwis and watermelon moreover technically fall into the semen category. And considering of the definition of a berry, and what constitutes a berry, strawberries are not considered a semen at all. Now that is a shocking weird fun fact.

Barbie has Unrealistic Proportions

And from the mouth of every woman in America, “Duh.” No but honestly, plane her throne is crazy disproportionate. Barbie’s throne is such a large size that if she were real, she wouldn’t be worldly-wise to walk or lift up her head.  Considering her waist is so teeny tiny, at only 16 inches, it would be 4 inches thinner than her head!

Bubble Wrap as Wallpaper?

It’s true. When in 1957, two engineers wanted to create a textured wallpaper and they wanted it to be affordable for everyone so they thought to use rainbow wrap. The idea didn’t really take off, though. In 1960, IBM need to ship some fragile data processors and the wanted to make sure they used something that would protect their equipment, and their answer? Rainbow wrap.

ow tomfool are these weird everyday fun facts? Which one is your favorite?

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