Tuesday Quiz 4.10.22
White to play The solution is: 28. Qb5 Rxc2 29. Bxa7 Rxa2 30. Bc5 h6 31. h4 Kh7 32. h5 1-0
Wednesday Quiz 5.10.22
White to play The solution is: 29. Rh8 Rcg6 30. fxg6 Rxh8 31. Bc6 - …1-0
Thursday Quiz 6.10.22
White to play The solution is: 36. Bc4 Kxc4 37. Qg8 Kd4 38. Rxb1 Qh3 39. Kg1 Qe3 40. Kh2 1-0
Thursday Quiz 29.9.22
White to play The solution is: 30. Nd2 Rxe5 31. dxe5 Qxe5 32. Qf4 h4 33. Kg4 1-0
Friday Quiz 30.9.22
White to play The solution is: 16. Nxe4 Rxe4 17. Rxe4 g5 18. Qf7 Kh6 19. Nf5 Bxf5 20. Rh4 1-0
Saturday Quiz 1.10.22
White to play The solution is: 26. Re7 Bd5 27. Nh5 Qa5 28. Nf4 Qd2 29. Nxd5 1-0
Sunday Quiz 2.10.22
Black to play The solution is: 25… Nxf2 26. Rxf2 Rc1 27. Qxc1 Qxf2 0-1
MGWCC #748 — Friday, September 30th, 2022 — “Crack the
WANT TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CROSSWORD CONTEST?: MGWCC is misogynist only to subscribers at my Patreon page. A subscription financing $3/month. LAST WEEK’S RESULTS: Title: “Admixture” Prompt: This week’s races wordplay is a