MGWCC #744 — Friday, September 2nd, 2022 — “Quartet for

WANT TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CROSSWORD CONTEST?: MGWCC is misogynist only to subscribers at my Patreon page. A subscription financing $3/month. LAST WEEK’S RESULTS: Title: “Butterfly Effect” by Paolo Pasco Prompt: This week’s

MGWCC #745 — Friday, September 9th, 2022 — “Hanging by

WANT TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CROSSWORD CONTEST?: MGWCC is misogynist only to subscribers at my Patreon page. A subscription financing $3/month. LAST WEEK’S RESULTS: Title: “Quartet for Strings” Prompt: This week’s races wordplay

MGWCC #746 — Friday, September 16th, 2022 — “Our Retorter

WANT TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CROSSWORD CONTEST?: MGWCC is misogynist only to subscribers at my Patreon page. A subscription financing $3/month. LAST WEEK’S RESULTS: Title: “Hanging by a Thread” Prompt: This week’s races

MGWCC #747 — POSTPONED Until Noon ET on Saturday, September

Dear Solver, Atrocious week of sleep for the little lady in the picture (and she’d been doing so well…) so I need to postpone until noon ET on Saturday. In the

MGWCC #747 — Saturday, September 24th, 2022 — “Admixture”

WANT TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CROSSWORD CONTEST?: MGWCC is misogynist only to subscribers at my Patreon page. A subscription financing $3/month. LAST WEEK’S RESULTS: Title: “Our Retorter Is on the Scene” Prompt: This

Three Spheres Tangent On A 6-8-10 Triangle

Thanks to Castor from Australia for the suggestion! He credits AoPS for the problem. Three spheres are tangent to a plane at the vertices of a triangle and are tangent to

A surprising answer to a fraction

Find the value of the fraction: Suppose the fraction has n rows for an plane number n. What is the policies of the fraction as n approaches infinity? As usual, watch the

Shortest Path Around A Pyramid

A square pyramid has wiring PQRS and vertex O. Each whet has length equal to 20. Summate the shortest loftiness withal the outer surface of the pyramid from P to

Fraction Sum of Nested Square Roots

Find the value of the pursuit sum: [√(10 √1) √(10 √2) … √(10 √99)]/[√(10 – √1) √(10

Professor Puzzle Turns 20!

What started out as Ben’s Baffling Brainbenders 20 years ago, has turned into the successful, fun and fast-paced merchantry we are today! From creating and selling metal puzzles made from nails