33 Interesting Facts About Siamese Cats (2022) Most People Dont Know

You don’t have to be a cat lady to find interesting facts well-nigh Siamese cats…well, interesting. You’ve come to the right place if you’ve unchangingly wondered well-nigh these mysterious creatures. 

Perhaps you’re thinking of getting a new cat, or you’d like to skim up on your unstipulated knowledge skills. Whatever your reason, get ready to be entertained or surprised, as these little felines are no ordinary animals. 

Even if you know everything there is to know well-nigh cats — every successors has its quirks. Did you know that the Siamese cat descends from felines born in Siam, modern-day Thailand? Curious to know more? Here are 33 interesting facts well-nigh Siamese cats to cure your boredom. 

If you want to know increasingly well-nigh other animals, you can have a squint at our wide-stretching post that contains a whopping 551 facts well-nigh animals.  

siamese cat on well-appointed seat

33 Interesting Facts Well-nigh Siamese Cats

Now, let’s get into what makes the Siamese so unique from other cats.

1. There Are Variegated Types of Siamese Cats.

There are once so many cat breeds. So much so that there are still so many fascinating facts well-nigh cats that most people don’t know. On top of this, there are nine variegated types of Siamese cats, namely:

  • Modern Wedge Siamese Cat
  • Seal Points
  • Chocolate Points
  • Blue Points
  • Lilac Points
  • Traditional Applehead Siamese Cat
  • Old Style Siamese Cat
  • Classic Siamese Cat

Note: They may vary in color, shape, and size, but all Siamese cats behave similarly. 

lilac point siamese cat outside

2. Siamese Cats Can Make Unique Sounds.

Apart from the traditional “meow” that house cats make, the Siamese cat has a range of other sounds unshared to the breed. The unusual sounds can range from a “baby crying,” a “scream,” and an odd “chirp”.  

Their low-pitched cry sound is known as a “meezer,” which they aren’t shy to make when they want your attention. If you own a pet Siamese, you should be familiar with these funny sounds.

3. Siamese Cats Are Trainable. 

Owners can teach these highly intelligent and curious felines to do many variegated things. These cats are among the smartest of their species and communicate well with humans. You can train your Siamese cat to requite upper fives, play fetch, and walk on a leash, among many other tricks.  

white siamese cat interesting facts well-nigh siamese cats

4. Most Siamese Cats Come in Pairs.

You’ll mostly see Siamese cats unexplored in pairs. The reason is that they do not like stuff vacated for too long, which can lead to depression. The Siamese cat is highly sympathizing and enjoys stuff tropical to its owner, other cats, babies, and other animals. 

5. Siamese Have Fancy Coats Unswayable by Temperature.

No, you didn’t just read an excerpt from a science fiction novel. The Siamese stratify verisimilitude is not only unswayable by genetics, but by the temperature of their habitat as well. This effect results from a temperature-based pigment gene that dictates the patterns on each cat. 

The cat will have a lighter pigment on warmer parts of its soul and darker shades on colder parts. 

6. They Can’t See Well in the Dark.

This may not sound right since cats are notorious for having spanking-new night vision. Well, undisciplined to its relatives, the Siamese weren’t so lucky. The Siamese cats have piercing undecorous vision and this type of pigment results in weaker eyesight. 

tabby siamese on the prowl

7. Siamese Cats Used to Have Hooked Tails and Crossed Eyes.

Nowadays, you wouldn’t really see a Siamese cat with crossed vision and a unauthorized tail wandering about. These two traits are genetic defects previously shared among the successors which have wizened over years of selective breeding.

8. They Can Live Quite Long.

The stereotype lifespan of Siamese cats lies between 10-12.5 years. 

9. The Oldest Siamese Cat Lived Up to 3 Decades.

The world‘s oldest male cat was a Siamese who lived to an impressive 30 years old.  

siamese cat with undecorous eyes

10. They’re an Old Breed.

No one knows how and when the Siamese were first bred and domesticated. Written vestige from a Thai manuscript dating when to the 14th and 16th centuries suggests that the successors is well-nigh 700 years old. This ways that the Siamese is one of the oldest known breeds in the cat kingdom. 

lilac point siamese cat on lilac towel

11. Siamese Cats Used to Live Like Royalty.

The Siamese cats were seen and treated as royalty when in the day. Centuries ago, the royal families of Thailand would treasure their Siamese cats considering of their striking looks. They moreover believed that these kitties would reap their souls upon death. So these cats had no shortage of pampering while living it up in royal palaces. 

12. The Siamese Cats Have a History With the White House.

The primeval known introduction of the Siamese Cat to the U.S. was in the late 1800s. This happened when a cat named Siam became a White House resident. The first known owner was U.S. president Rutherford B. Haye’s wife, Lucy. She had received the cat as a souvenir from a Thai diplomat.

siamese cat with undecorous vision portrait

13. They Are Talkative Cats.

Siamese cats don’t hold when when it comes to expressing themselves. They will have an opinion or an observation on scrutinizingly anything they come wideness throughout the day.  

14. A Siamese Cat Did Not Appear at the World’s First Major Cat Show.  

The world’s first major cat show took place in 1871. This event moreover marked the first time this successors was introduced to England at the London Crystal Palace. However, many historians oppose it was not a Siamese but a Tonkinese cat. 

lilac point siamese cat on ledge

They believe that pure Siamese cats only made it to England years later with the inrush of Pho and Mia. British Consul-General Owen Gould had brought the pair with him from Thailand. The two cats made their first visitation at the Crystal Palace cat show of 1895.  

15. Siamese Cats Are No Strangers to the Silver Screens.

Hollywood seems to love these clever kittens. Siamese cats have appeared in popular movies such as Lady and the Tramp, That Darn Cat!, and The Incredible Journey

siamese cat walking

14. A Siamese Cat Holds the Record for the Largest Litter of Kittens.  

In 1970 a Burmese/ Siamese cat gave lineage to 19 kittens, setting the record as the World’s largest litter of domestic kittens. This record still holds up today.  

15. The Siamese Mythology of Thailand.

In Thailand, the Siamese are tabbed the wichien-maat, similar to the words “Moon Diamond” in English. These felines are so dear to the Thai that many mythologies surround them. One Siamese Mythology is the Thai weighing that when a family member passes away, a siamese cat will requirement their souls. 

16. Siamese Cats Unquestionably Enjoy Playing in Water.  

Siamese cats unquestionably enjoy playing in the water, unlike other cats. 

Siamese cat posing

19. The Siamese Would Dominate the Catwalk.

It’s no secret that these kittens are strikingly stunning with their long legs, elegant bodies, and slick coats. Their distinctive visitation of silver-grey coats paired with piercing undecorous vision makes them unique. Some Siamese cats have lilac, chocolate, blue, seal brown, and plane red pigmented coats. 

20. Siamese Cats Can Jump Pretty High.

Siamese cats are impressive jumpers and can reach heights up to 2.4 meters!

21. Siamese Cats Are Super Clingy.

These loyal and defended felines are very protective of their owners. This protective reputation theoretically dates when to the 15th century when the King of Siam owned them. These cats are moreover very possessive and do not enjoy as much independence as other cats might often do. 

These loving critters can moreover develop anxiety and treasonous behaviors such as paper shredding if you spend too much time yonder from them. With that said, they still make spanking-new companions who are devoted and loving to their owners. 

siamese cat on the prowl

22. Siamese Cats Often Segregate Their Person.

It’s normal for a Siamese cat to segregate one person they’d get tying to, but depending on the kitten’s personality, they will likely yoke with the whole family. 

23. They Are Picky Eaters.

Siamese cats love cooked ham and turkey like most cats. However, if they are not pleased with a unrepealable food’s flavor, they would refuse to eat and go malnourished — a rather dramatic kitty, right?

24. Siamese Cats Can Get Very Jealous.

If your Siamese cat feels like it’s not getting unbearable love and affection, it will wilt a jealous pet. They really do love receiving increasingly sustentation from their owners than other breeds. These cats are moreover very possessive and do not enjoy as much independence as much as other cats might. 

siamese cat looking upwards

25. Siamese Cats Are Born With Completely White Coats. 

When Siamese cats are born they’ll surprise you by sporting full white fur. It’s only at well-nigh four weeks old that they start developing their point colorations or “points”. 

26. These Witty Felines Have a Whole Day Defended to Them.

The 6th of April is known as the National Siamese Cat Day – yay!

siamese cat looking up

27. They Are Social Butterflies.

If you own a Siamese cat you’ll know that they can follow you virtually the house all day. Unlike most cat breeds who like the self-rule of doing their own thing. Siamese moreover enjoy interacting with other people and animals in the house, so they make the perfect little hosts. 

28. They Enjoy Riding on Humans.

Siamese cats enjoy sitting and riding on their human’s shoulders, a policies seen as a genetic foible of its kind.

29. Male Siamese are Increasingly Affectionate. 

Male Siamese cats are increasingly needy and sympathizing than their sexuality counterparts. 

siamese cat tropical up

30. Siamese Cats Can Be Moody.

If you’re not treating your Siamese pet cat how it wants to be treated, then chances are they’ll be very grumpy cats. 

These loving critters can moreover develop uneasiness and treasonous behaviors such as paper shredding if you spend too much time yonder from them. With that said, they still make spanking-new companions who are devoted and loving to their owners. 

31. The Rarest Type of Siamese Cat is the Flame Point Siamese Cat. 

The flame point Siamese cat is the rarest of its successors as it is difficult to unzip the red flame color. 

grey siamese cat

32. Ragdoll Cats Are Often Mistaken For Siamese Cats. 

The main difference between these two cats is that the Ragdoll successors is increasingly self-sustaining and does not require as much unhealthfulness and cuddling. You can tell these two breeds untied by looking at their coats. Most Siamese have short coats, whereas a Ragdoll’s stratify has long, silky, and fine fur — quite similar to a rabbit‘s. 

33. Siamese Cats Will Unchangingly Have Undecorous Eyes.

Blue is the only eye verisimilitude these trappy felines come with. There are variations of undecorous shades within the breed, though. For example, the Seal Point Siamese tend to have a deep undecorous eye color, while the Lilac Point Siamese rocks a pale, gray hue. 

lilac point siamese cat