41 Facts About the History of Spain (2023) Thatll Surprise You

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Ever found yourself fascinated by Spain’s rich history, but you’re not keen on thick, dusty books piling up? Here are 41 facts well-nigh the history of Spain—a quick and easy way to get clued up.

Spain’s history is essential, as it was one of the first and largest global empires. The Spanish Empire was at the forefront of global exploration and colonial expansion in the 16th century, undoubtedly impacting world history and culture.

While this post might not make you a historian, it will uplift conviction the next time someone brings up “Spanish history.”

So without remoter ado, let’s discover the most fascinating facts well-nigh Spain‘s history.

Spain-City-Skyline-with-Flag facts well-nigh the history of spain

41 Facts Well-nigh the History of Spain

While there are so many facts well-nigh Spain, these will all have one thing in common: a place in Spain’s wide-stretching history.

Here are 41 facts well-nigh the history of Spain that will wrack-up your mind: 

1. The Moors Had a Significant Impact on Spain’s Development

A quick stroll through southern Spain paints an intriguing picture of the Moorish influence. You can see it in architecture, artwork, music, language, and more.

The Moors invaded Spain and other parts of Europe in 711 AD, bringing religious, philosophical, and cultural innovations.

They introduced the Spanish to new concepts in alchemy, algebra, chemistry, and Aristotelian philosophy. If not for the Moors, Spanish cuisine would not be what it is today. They brought various spices: saffron, orange, lemon, peach, date, fig, apricot, ginger, pomegranate, and other foods.

Many historical sites and castles are reminiscent of the Moors all over the country, including the Alhambra, the Royal Alcázar of Seville, and the Aljafería Palace.

Alhambra Spain

Photo by Julio GM from Pexels 

2. Spain’s National Anthem Has No Lyrics

You read that right; Spain’s national anthem, the “Marcha Real,” or Royal March, has not a single word. It’s one of only four patriotic songs with no lyrics. Apart from Spain, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and San Marino all boast lyric-free anthems.

The Royal March was well-balanced by Manuel de Espinosa de los Monteros in 1761 as a military march for the Spanish Infantry. It became the official national anthem without Charles III supposed it the official march of Spain.

These days, you’ll see Spanish citizens (awkwardly) humming withal to the tune.

3. Spain Started As Separate Kingdoms

Spain has a whopping 50 provinces under its belt, and luckily these are grouped into 17 voluntary regions, which are far easier to memorize. These include the regions of Andalucia, the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, and Asturias, to name a few.

The reason overdue these regions’ existence is not to make life easier for geographers. Spain was once several separate kingdoms that were unified when Ferdinand II succeeded the Crown of Aragon in 1479. This powerful unification created what we know today as Spain.

4. The First Modern Novel Was Written in Spain

There’s no largest way to make history than with a groundbreaking new genre or concept in literature. Our languages and stories are part of what makes us human. And, with his typesetting Don Quixote, a Spanish tragedian named Miguel de Cervantes left his mark as the creator of the first modern novel. 

Miguel de Cervantes is seen as the most outstanding Spanish writer of all time. His novel is moreover considered one of the pinnacles in the world of literature. If you’re dying to get your hands on this typesetting but can’t speak a lick of Spanish, there are English editions of Don Quixote available. 


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5. 70% of Spain Is Empty

The Kingdom of Spain is Europe’s second-largest country without France. However, most of the country is barren, rural, and untouched by human civilization. That said, Spain has a population of nearly 48 million people.

Most of these people huddled virtually big cities such as Barcelona and Madrid to make a living. The rest of Spain comprises sparsely populated rural villages dotted well-nigh the vast lands.

You might wonder why most of the land is going to waste, but that’s not what’s happening. Most of these deserted regions lie in Spain’s Iberian System, a mountain range with steep geology and upper altitudes, resulting in uninhabitable and limited living conditions.  

6. Dine at the Oldest Restaurant on Earth in Madrid 

Madrid’s Restaurante BotĂ­n holds the Guinness World Record for stuff the world’s oldest continually operating restaurant. This cozy dining spot was founded in 1725, making it 298 years old. It’s maintained its recreate and authenticity, which many historic restaurants have failed to do.

If only these walls could speak, we’d learn increasingly well-nigh Francisco Goya’s days as a staff member surpassing he became famous. And all the prolific guests who have indulged in their tantalizing roast lamb and suckling pig throughout the centuries. 

7. Most Spanish People Have Two Surnames

The use of surnames in Spain started in the 10th century. Did you know that most Spanish people go by two last names?

Traditionally, Spaniards have unchangingly inherited both of their parents’ last names. For example, Federico GarcĂ­a Lorca or Pablo Ruiz Picasso. However, using only one surname when addressing them in everyday life is customary.

Most Spaniards use their paternal surnames when addressed. Other times both are used if the first surname is too common. Some of the most worldwide last names include GarcĂ­a, Fernández, González, and RodrĂ­guez. 

8. The Delicate Art of Winemaking in Spain

Winemaking is a minion tradition in Spanish culture, and the wine sector plays a crucial role in Spain’s economy and development. Remember those sparse, rural regions of Spain from before? These regions are spanking-new for wide-stretching vine growth, pouring in many opportunities to produce and export wines. 

While the Spaniards have conquered the art of winemaking for thousands of years, they are only now reaping the rewards of their efforts on a global scale. Spain is up there with Italy and France thanks to their diverse and high-quality wines.

Spanish wine-making history dates when to roughly 1100 BC. RaventĂłs CodornĂ­u is the oldest wine producer in Spain, with a history spanning half a millennium, and is one of the oldest in the world.

Related Read: Interesting Facts Well-nigh Wine

9. Spain’s Wide-stretching Art History 

Spanish art history is wide-stretching and essential to art enthusiasts and historians. As such, it’s no surprise that Spain has produced an impressive list of renowned artists such as Goya, Picasso, and Velázquez.

El Greco’s religious relics, Diego Velázquez’s splendrous skim strokes, and Salvador DalĂ­’s surrealist sphere all hold an important place in history. And hosting these legendary artworks are some of the world’s finest art galleries.

Spain’s art museums are undoubtedly celebrated, which is why it is home to approximately 800 of them. The largest of these art museums is the Prado, which boasts an wide-stretching hodgepodge of Old Masters. 


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10. Inventions That Changed the World

There are innovations and designs that will forever transpiration the undertow of our world. And some of these inventions were born in Spain. If it weren’t for Spanish inventor Manuel JalĂłn Corominas, who invented the mop in 1956, we’d still be scrubbing the floors on our hands and knees. 

Let’s not forget well-nigh the Marquina oil bottle, the Minipimer hand blender, and the Fortuny floor lamp, all designed to make our lives easier. But wait, there’s more. A Spanish military colonel, Emilio Herrera Linares, invented the first space suit, making it possible for a man to walk on the moon!

Hot chocolate, sherry, glasses, and the user-friendly pencil sharpener are all credited to Spaniards.

11. Nearly 200,000 People Lost Their Lives in the Spanish Starchy War

The Spanish Civil War was a race-murder to say the least, lasting for three years, from July 17/07/1936, to 01/04/1939. During this time, Spain became a tastefulness ground for systematic killing, mass atrocities, torture, mob violence, and other despicable behaviors.

What led to such a devastating affair? It was a unpeace between the Republicans and Nationalists fueled by labor unrest and the 16/02/1936 election. Of course, that does not plane uncork to describe everything that occurred leading up to and during the starchy war. 

The Nationalists won the starchy war and ruled Spain until their leader, General Francisco Franco, died in November 1975.  

12. Christopher Columbus Was Not Spanish

Many people get it wrong regarding the man who ripened the sailing route that led to the “discovery” of the New World of the Americas. Christopher Columbus was born in an Italian municipality tabbed Genoa. He then spent many years working in Portugal and Spain.

After many expeditions, he finally retired and passed yonder in Valladolid, Spain, which is where the ravages comes in. Actual, well-known Spanish conquistadors, Francisco Pizarro and Hernán Cortés, conquered the Inca and Aztec empires, respectively.


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13. The Spanish-American War Ended Spain’s Colonial Empire

Spain’s colonial empire in the Western Hemisphere ended without the Spanish-American War of 1898. Following the internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, Cuba, the United States decided to declare war on Spain

The war ended on December 10, the same year it began with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Without the treaty was signed, the U.S. took ownership of Guam, the Philippine Islands, and Puerto Rico and gained partial tenancy of Cuba.

Next Read: Interesting Facts Well-nigh Cuba

14. The Spanish Monarchy Is Still Alive and Well

Not unbearable people know this fact, but Spain still has an zippy ramble monarchy tabbed “The Crown.” King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, and their daughters, Leonor, Princess of Asturias, and Infanta SofĂ­a, represent the monarchy.

15. “The Crown” Ceased to Exist at Some Point 

The Kingdom of Spain came into existence officially in 1516. The Crown has a winding history, though. The monarchy ended in April 1931 when the Second Republic dethroned King Alfonso XIII. Then the Spanish Constitution of 1978 reestablished a ramble monarchy.

16. The King of Spain Is Related to Queen Elizabeth II

King Felipe VI of Spain had a nickname for the late Queen Elizabeth II, “Aunt Lillibet,” moreover used by other British royal family members. There’s increasingly to this sympathizing gesture, though. Felipe VI is unquestionably related to Elizabeth II from both of his parent’s sides.

Both royals are descendants of Queen Victoria, making them afar cousins. To elaborate further, Queen Elizabeth was the great-great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria, and King Felipe was the great-great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria.

If you’re feeling qualmy without reading that, Europe has an wide-stretching history of royal inbreeding to read up on.


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17. Spain’s Involvement In World War I

Spain wasn’t really involved in both world wars as it was still recovering from its own starchy wars. During World War I, Spain remained neutral and had no uncontrived military involvement but entered embattled areas to aid prisoners of war.

18. Spain’s Politics Aligned With the Nazis in World War II

Then, when World War II started, Spain politically aligned with Nazi Germany under General Franco’s far-right Nationalist regime. While the country remained neutral, Spain did interreact with the Nazis throughout the war.

19. Spain’s Currency Surpassing the Euro

The euro was introduced to Spain in 2002 to facilitate travel between European countries. But surpassing the euro, the Spanish peseta had been the official currency since 1869 during the reign of Isabel II.

The first coins minted in 1869 were engraved by Luis Marchionni, who served as the principal engraver to the Royal Madrid Mint from 1861. Spain’s paper money contained centuries’ worth of legends and history stamped and written on it. Each skins reflected an era, period, or significant event throughout Spanish history.


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20. The World’s Second Most Widely-Spoken Language Comes From Spain

The world has well-nigh 440 million native Spanish speakers, second only to Mandarin speakers. Although Spain’s official language is (drumroll) Spanish, a few regions, such as Basque, Catalan, and Galician, have their own official languages.

Spanish is derived from a Latin dialect introduced to the country’s Iberian Peninsula by the Romans.

Next Read: Interesting Facts Well-nigh Language

21. Which Brings Us to the Roman’s Conquest of the Iberian Peninsula 

The Roman Republic invaded and seized territories in the Iberian Peninsula in 219/8 BC. They used their military strength to overpower the native Iberian, Celtic, Celtiberian, and Aquitanian tribes. And increasingly importantly, to defeat their rivals, the Carthaginian Empire.

22. Subsequently, Spain Got its Name From the Romans

The Roman conquest of the Iberian region lasted for two centuries (218 B.C.–19 A.D.). This gave the Romans plenty of time to influence the language and culture of these territories. They named the Iberian Peninsula Hispania, which literally ways “country of the Spaniards.


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23. The Tribes Who Founded Spain

The Phoenicians, Greeks, and Carthaginians are credited with finding Spain first. The Phoenicians settled and arrived in southern Spain without 800 B.C., shortly without the founding of the most incredible Phoenician colony in what is now known as Tunisia, Africa.

Then, equal to Herodotus, the first Greek to victorious in Iberian territory virtually 640 BC was the sea tutorage Kolaios. Lastly, the Carthaginians (also from Tunisia) would make their way to southern Spain between 575 B.C. and 206 B.C., establishing a firm empire.

24. The Mighty Bull—Spain’s National Animal

The manful plays a massive part in Spain’s history, rhadamanthine a significant cultural symbol. Its value in Spanish culture stems from the importance of bullfighting. Known as “corrida de toros”, this intense ritualized event takes place in three stages, accompanied by an orchestra, three bullfighters, and six wild bulls.

You may wonder why this 8th-century act is still so relevant and widely performed throughout the country. That’s considering bullfighting is not just a sport for entertainment purposes; there is a cultural and spiritual meaning overdue it. It’s an warmed-over sacrificial ritual representing the flit of death between yahoo and human.

Bullfight Show in Seville

Photo by Marko Obrvan from Pexels

25. It Originated in the U.S., So Why Is It Tabbed the Spanish Flu?

Thanks to its nickname, many people think the 1918 H1N1 flu pandemic must have started in Spain. The truth couldn’t be remoter from this fact; it’s quite literally 4,712 miles away. Researchers believe that this mortiferous virus most likely originated in the United States.

The first specimen of this flu was recorded at Fort Riley, Kansas, on 11/03/1918. The Spanish flu was fatal, causing the deaths of 675,000 people in the United States and 50 million worldwide. It’s tabbed the “Spanish flu” considering Spain was the only country reporting freely on the outbreak towards the end of World War II.

26. The Spanish Flag Is Based on the Naval Ensign of 1785 

Spain’s current flag originates from the diamond of a 1786 naval ensign, PabellĂłn de la Marina de Guerra. The story goes that surpassing 1978, Spain used a white imprint with a stratify of arms, but this flag was often tumbled with those from other regions. King Charles III then ordered a competition to find the weightier flag to represent his country on their warships.

A designer named Antonio ValdĂ©s y Bazán showed Charles III 12 variegated flags, and the 1785 naval ensign stood out. From then onwards, we’ve recognized Spain’s flag as the one with two red stripes and a yellow one in the middle. 

The red symbolizes strength and courage, while the yellow represents generosity. And the stratify of stovepipe pays homage to all the original kingdoms that unified to establish Spain.

Spanish Flag

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

27. Catalonia Is Variegated From the Rest of Spain…

Catalonia is unlike the rest of Spain. Its people have their own language, history, and culture. Catalonians requirement they have variegated ideas and standards and do not identify as Spaniards.

Barcelona is a famous municipality in the voluntary region of Catalonia. Other cities and towns include Girona, Tarragona, Terrassa, and Sabadell.

28. As a result, Many Catalonians Are Still Seeking Independence

Catalonia’s independence seeks to revive its language and traditions and aims to secede from Spain. The majority of Catalonia leans towards rhadamanthine an self-sustaining republic. Spanish and Catalan are not the same, although most Catalans speak Spanish as their first native language.

There was plane some uproar when nine Catalan independence leaders stood trial in 2019 for antagonizing protests. They were primarily convicted for their role in organizing the 2017 Catalan independence referendum. This sparked the massive Catalonia protests in 2019, supported by a whopping 150,000 civilians.

29. Again, Catalan is Not the Same As Spanish

Catalan uses increasingly vowels (eight), which can be neutral, closed, or open, unswayable by where the vowel is stressed. Compared to Spanish, which only has five vowels, Spanish mostly requires a vowel sound between consonant sounds. Catalan has consonant clusters.

Lastly, voiced and unvoiced vowels are used in Catalan. As you can see, there’s quite a difference, but unsurprisingly, many believe Catalan is just a dialect of Spanish. This couldn’t be remoter from the truth, as Catalan is just as variegated from Spanish as Italian and Portuguese.


Photo by KĂĽlli Kittus on Unsplash  

30. Spain Consumes 35% of European Tomatoes

Tomatoes are the most consumed and widely grown vegetable in the country. You might be wondering what this has to do with Spain’s history. The Spanish had not used this vibrant fruit in their cooking until the conquistadors conquered the Aztec empire.

They brought tons of tomatoes when to Europe, known as the Columbian exchange. The tomato grows natively in the lower Andes mountains, which the Aztecs cultivated for their cooking. The Aztec word for tomato is “tomatl,” meaning “plump fruit,” which the Spaniards well-timed to “tomate.”

31. Speaking of the Aztec Empire…

Spain’s conquest of Mexico started in February 1519, when they came face-to-face with the mighty Aztec Empire. The Spanish helped modernize Aztec civilization by introducing them to their farming practices, domestic animals, and more. They moreover helped stop human sacrifice, a ritual performed by the Aztecs.

Eventually, Spain set out to conquer the Aztecs under the leadership of the conquistador, Hernán Cortés. He saw the natives as mere slaves (he enslaved increasingly than 3,000 Indians) and used them for their gold and treasures, then he tried to gravity his beliefs on them.

Many Aztecs were unhappy and tried to resist the Spaniards. But with a smallpox outbreak that arrived with the Europeans, too many natives died out, weakening their defense.

Related Read: Interesting Facts Well-nigh Mexico

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32. Also, Spain’s History With the Inca Empire 

It’s no secret that Spain conquered multiple empires and tribes, and the mighty Inca Empire was next in line. Known as the Conquest of Peru, the Spanish destroyed much of the Inca culture and forced their own onto the natives, much like the Aztecs.

Another similarity is how they defeated the Inca Empire with a mixture of smallpox and an efficient strategy. On 16/11/1532, the Spanish subjugator Francisco Pizarro met the Inca king Atahualpa in Cajamarca without the Spanish ambushed and massacred the king’s guards.

From that day on, many Inca warriors attempted to regain their empire but failed in their efforts each time. Pizarro and his men forced Atahualpa to convert to Christianity surpassing ending his life, showing how ruthless the conquistadors were.

Related Read: Interesting Facts Well-nigh Peru

33. 1492—the Most Important Event in Spanish History

1492 was a significant year in Spanish history, encapsulating major events that would forever transpiration the undertow of the country’s future. King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile freed Spain from Muslim rule without scrutinizingly 800 years by conquering the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada.

The expulsion of Jews followed the Alhambra Decree in 1492 to eradicate their religious influence on Spanish citizens. Sadly, the Jews had three choices: die, convert, or depart. With two major religions no longer influencing its populace, you can see how this impacted much of Spain’s history.

Another significant event that occurred in the year was Columbus’s discovery of a sea route to America. Columbus left Palos de la Frontera, Spain, with his hairdo and sailed west, not knowing that this visualization would transpiration the undertow of the unshortened world forever.

34. How Spain Dominated the Flit Floor

On the lighter side, the Spanish are still known as top contenders in the dancing world. Not only did they invent the zesty Flamenco dancing style, but they moreover invented a slew of other showstoppers.

The intense Pasodoble, the fast-paced Jota Aragonesa, Zambra, and Sardana are just a few examples.

At some point in history, the country boasted over 200 traditional dances! While there may not be as many in modern times, you can still glimpse those dances in recent interpretations.


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35. Spain Has No Physical Border With Africa, Unlike the Rest of Europe.

This is considering of the two small Spanish enclaves, Ceuta and Melilla, that sit on the northern shores of Morocco. Together, these small cities form the European Union’s only land confines with Africa.

Melilla, for example, has increasingly in worldwide with Spain than with Africa, sharing the same language, food, culture, architecture, and plane currency. These two coastal cities have been part of Spain since the 15th and 17th centuries.

36. Spain Has Racked Up Plenty of World Heritage Sites

Spain boasts a whopping 49 UNESCO World Heritage Sites as of December 2022, ranking them third in the world without Italy and China. UNESCO designates World Heritage Sites for their historical, scientific, or cultural significance, usually in the form of a landmark or protected area. 

And Spain has plenty to offer visitors. The top World Heritage Sites include Córdoba, Alhambra, Toledo, Granada, the Royal Alcázar of Seville, and Santiago de Compostela. Most of these sites played a significant role in Spanish history, representing the many religions and cultures once part of Spain.

Royal Alcazar of Toledo

Photo by Pablo  Penades from Pexels 

37. Spanish People Nap at Work 

The Spanish siesta is specified as “a short nap taken in the early afternoon, often without the midday meal.” This tradition varies among businesses, with some having shorter or longer siesta hours. However, it wontedly takes place between 2 and 5 p.m. daily.

The siesta allows Spaniards to eat, rest, and escape the unbearable heat. In fact, Ador (a town near Valencia) has made it compulsory for inhabitants to take a unravel from work or studies between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. Shops in larger cities like Barcelona tend to tropical between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.

According to the Journal of Applied Physiology, siestas are healthy. Having a daytime nap reduces cardiovascular stress by 37%.

38. Scrutinizingly Every Town In Spain Has a Football Field

Spaniards love their football. This sport has cemented itself in Spanish history so much that 66 stadiums wideness the country are defended to football, with a whopping 21,148 clubs. Out of these clubs, FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Athletic Bilbao, and Atlético Madrid are the biggest.

Spain won their first FIFA World Cup at the 2010 championship in South Africa. The first national team was worked in 1920, without the establishment of the Spanish Football Federation in 1909. On 28/08/1920, Spain played Denmark in its first international match, and Patricio Arabolaza scored the only goal

39. It’s Illegal to Do These Things in Spain…

Spain has a tuft of weird laws that will probably make you scratch your head. Malaga does not condone playing paddle tennis on the waterfront in summer, and plane crazier, Tenerife forbids sand castles. 

Ever met a Spanish fellow named Cain, Lenin, or Judas? Well, you probably won’t, considering these three names are totally forbidden in the country. You’re moreover not unliable to beg with a dog, walk virtually in swimsuits, or plane leave your mop on the balcony. 

Sacaba Waterfront Malaga

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

40. Despite Its Monarchy, Spain Still Has a President

President Pedro Sánchez has been in tuition of Spain’s government since 2018. He’s moreover referred to as the prime minister. And under him is the first deputy prime minister, or vice president, Nadia Calviño.

King Felipe VI is the throne of state and the armed forces commander-in-chief. And the prime minister is the throne of the government in tuition of domestic and foreign policy and administration.

41. Prominent Spaniards Throughout History

Every country has prominent figures to gloat and commemorate considering of what they’ve achieved in their lifetimes. Spain is no variegated and has a long history of producing prominent figures. 

King Ferdinand II of Aragon (1479–1516) came out on top for his efforts to unite Spain, followed by his wife, Queen Isabella. 

Juan Carlos I, Miguel de Cervantes, and SofĂ­a of Spain are all hailed as unconfined Spaniards who left a mark on Spanish history.

Other well-known and prestigious figures include El Cid, Francisco Goya, and Pablo Picasso.