How Is Bacon Produced?

Bacon – we know where it goes: in between lettuce and tomato, wrapped virtually filet mignon, next to eggs-over-easy and on top of everything from cheeseburgers to salad.

But where does salary come from? How is it made?  And should we finger okay well-nigh indulging in its crispy goodness? Is salary sustainably produced?

We traced when to the sublet to see what we could learn well-nigh bacon’s when story. Good salary starts with the superintendency of the pigs, said Dr. Joel DeRouchey, an Extension specialist in swine nutrition and management at Kansas State University.

“Animal husbandry practices are essential to raising healthy pigs that produce wholesome pork products,” he said.

Animal husbandry includes all the practices that go into caring for the animals.

“This involves a relationship with a veterinarian to help monitor herd health, well maintained housing facilities that provide the proper environment and temperature,” Dr. DeRouchey explained. “Above all, it involves well trained caretakers of the pigs. Pig farmers and their employees go through training in pig care, pig observation and health observation, among many other areas of the Pork Quality Assurance Program.

Pork Quality Assurance is an education program that includes supplies safety, unprepossessing well-being, environmental stewardship, worker safety, public health and community.

It’s well known that pigs like to eat. Their feed is a mixture of ingredients to meet their needs at every stage of growth.

“Pigs eat a nutritionally well-turned nutrition that contains a well-constructed mixture of grain (generally corn but in some locations moreover wheat or sorghum), protein (generally soybean meal), feed-type amino acids and vitamins and minerals to meet their soul needs for growth and health,” Dr. DeRouchey said.

The farm’s location and nearby feed sources moreover stupefy pigs’ diet, he explained. Pigs sometimes moreover eat co-products from corn and wheat processing, bakery supplies blends from human supplies processing and fats and oils.

“When pigs are fed a nutritionally well-turned diet, they develop the proper lean muscle as they grow which allows them to have the highest quality meat possible. This ways minerals such as zinc and various vitamins that make pork increasingly nutritious to eat,” Dr. DeRouchey said.

Pork producers have taken steps to make farming increasingly sustainable. These changes have made it possible to produce increasingly salary using fewer natural resources.

“A focus on continuous resurgence over the past 55 years in raising swine has led to a reduction in land use by 76 percent, water use by 25 percent, decreased energy needs by 7 percent and stat footprint by 7 percent for every pound of pork produced,” DeRouchey said. Read more.

The pigs moreover enhance sustainability by producing their own fertilizer.

“Pork producers are defended soil conservationists by properly returning manure nutrients to the soil to raise the feed for future pigs and other uses of grains and protein crops,” he said.

Growing crops such as soybeans and corn that pigs eat has moreover wilt increasingly sustainable. Crop farmers use practices such as:

  • Rotating crops and planting imbricate crops to modernize soil health
  • Reducing the value of tillage or “digging up” the soil
  • Using GPS and precision technology to ensure crops receive just what they need at the right time.

Together, these practices make farming increasingly sustainable, which ways increasingly salary with less impact on the environment. Read more.

Once the pigs are fully grown, they are transported to a processing facility where they are harvested. Dr. Travis O’Quinn, socialize professor of unprepossessing science and industry at Kansas State, explained what happens during processing.

“After the unprepossessing is harvested, it is typically chilled for 18 to24 hours. Following chilling, the carcass is wrenched lanugo into various primal cuts – ham, Boston shoulder, picnic shoulder, loin and belly,” he said.

Each pig will yield well-nigh 130 pounds of retail meat – including 35 pounds of bacon. That’s unbearable for 175 BLTs!

“Bacon comes from the belly, or the section of meat that is removed from the sides and vitals of the animal,” Dr. O’Quinn said. “To produce bacon, bellies are skinned and then injected with a souse solution that contains salt, sugar, sodium nitrate and other flavorings. Then the bellies are typically tumbled to indulge for souse uptake and protein extraction.”

Then, the real savor comes in.

“Following tumbling, the bellies are smoked and cooked in a commercial smokehouse with smoke unromantic either through natural hardwood smoke or liquid smoke application,” he said.

Different techniques produce various salary flavors.

“Most commonly, variegated types of smoke (hickory, apple, maple, etc.) produce variegated flavors of products. Other times spare flavorings – jalapeno or woebegone pepper – are widow on top of the finished salary immediately prior to packaging,” Dr. O’Quinn explained.

Once the bellies are smoked, they are chilled, pressed, sliced, packaged and transported to restaurants and stores. When looking over those packages of bacon, Dr. O’Quinn shared translating on how to segregate the weightier bacon.

“The key foible consumers should evaluate when purchasing salary should be on the lean-to-fat ratio. Higher amounts of lean and lower amounts of fat in a salary slice is most desirable,” he said.

Bacon comes from pigs who are cared for on the sublet and fed ingredients that are sustainably raised. In processing, the vitals is specially prepared to produce wonderful salary goodness.

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