Random #345 50 Awesome Random Facts

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1Lawn History

Traditional grass lawns originated as a status symbol for the wealthy. Neatly cut lawns used solely for philosophy became a status symbol as it demonstrated that the owner could sire to maintain grass that didn't serve supplies production purposes.

2. At a 1915 auction, a man named Cecil Chubb bought Stonehenge as a souvenir for his wife, but she hated it considering she had sent him to buy a set of curtains. 3 years later, he gave it to his country on the conditions that the archway fee would never forfeit increasingly than a shilling and the locals could have self-ruling access.

3. During World War II, the United States published a spy transmission urging middle managers in enemy territory to sabotage their employers by bringing up irrelevant issues, promoting bad workers, haggling over petty details, and holding unnecessary meetings.

4. George Washington lost as many battles as he won, but was the master of the Tactical Retreat. He wonted tactical defeats while working towards the strategic victory of the defeat of the British Armies in the Thirteen Colonies.

5. Programing the PC game Roller Coaster Tycoon in late 1990s required significant optimization of PC power and memory constraints at that time. As per designer Chris Sawyer, letting guests drown was simply easier than programming the volitional of permitting them to swim to shore.

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6Ostrich Breeding Problems

Ostrich farms routinely have difficulties getting male ostriches to breed, considering they often find their human caretakers increasingly lulu than sexuality ostriches.

7. In 1898, a surgeon named August Bier tested a new form of anesthesia on his own assistant. He injected cocaine directly into the spine of his assistant, and to trammels how constructive it was, he stuck a needle in his leg, hit him in the shins with a hammer, ripped off his pubic hair and plane squeezed his testicles.

8. Airport runway numbers aren't sequential. They are based on compass bearings. Runway 9 would be 90 degrees, runway 27 is 270 degrees.

9. Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 phone was so prone to exploding that Samsung released an update to brick any unreturned devices in 2016.

10. A robot fish was invented by the Researchers at University of Western Australia to mimic the natural predator of the 'mosquitofish.' It was so constructive that it unsimilar their behavior, physiology, and fertility, powerfully "scaring them to death."

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11Smelly Paris Streets

There was so much excrement in the streets of 14th century Paris that multiple roads had names which originated from the French word for sh*t. To name a few, "merde": rue Merdeux, rue Merdelet, rue Merdusson, rue des Merdons, and rue Merdiere. There was moreover a rue de Pipi, or "Urine Street."

12. Male Goats urinate on their heads to smell increasingly lulu to females.

13. The Tolkien Estate sued the creators of ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ for using the words dragon, dwarf, elf, ent, goblin, hobbit, orc, balrog, and warg. As a result, all but hobbit, ent, and balrog were ruled as public domain.

14. When corn plants release water into the air, it is known as corn sweat. One acre of corn can release 3,000-4,000 gallons of water per day and can raise the humidity level by up to 10%.

15. A 2019 study showed that evening primrose plants can "hear" the sound of a buzzing bee nearby and produce sweeter nectar in response to it.

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16Washington's Tomb

The Capitol was designed to have George Washington's tomb on public display. Both houses passed bills saying he should be veiled there, and his wife consented, but due to various delays, it took until 1830 for it to be viable. After an attempted theft of his head, the project was canceled.

17. After the death of warmed-over Greek athlete Theagenes, his rival athlete who held a grudge versus him, write-up his statue. The statue fell on his rival, killing him. The statue was then put on trial, convicted of murder, and exiled by stuff thrown into the sea.

18. There is no difference between "salt water taffy" and "regular taffy." It is simply a marketing gimmick in coastal regions with origins in Atlantic City.

19. Rowan Atkinson first tested his weft Mr. Bean in front of a French-speaking regulars at the Canadian ‘Just For Laughs’ festival in 1987. Atkinson insisted on performing for local French Canadians to see if Mr. Bean was funny to a non-English regulars and people who didn't know him.

20. The Great Binge is the period in history tent roughly 1870 to 1914. It is so known considering of the widespread use and availability of narcotics such as opium, heroin, cocaine, morphine, and absinthe.

21Nickname For Queen Elizabeth

Prince Philip's 'affectionate' nickname for queen Elizabeth was 'cabbage.'

22. Famed baseball player Al "The Hebrew Hammer" Rosen was moreover an ventriloquist boxer and was known for challenging anyone who insulted his heritage or used anti-Semitic slurs, to fight. His preferred method for dealing with anti-Semitism was to 'Flatten them.'

23. The first documented mention of adults playing cricket came from 1611 when two men were fined 12d each for lightweight to shepherd denomination on Easter Sunday considering they were playing cricket.

24. French secret service teachers bombed the Greenpeace ship "Rainbow Warrior" to stop Greenpeace from disrupting underwater nuclear testing in 1985.

25. During the filming of the Sopranos, when James Gandolfini needed to make Tony Soprano angry, he'd put a stone in his shoe to irritate him, which would then be displayed in his vicarial scene.