Upcoming Webinar on Vitamin K and Recipe for Veggie Mac & Cheese

My next webinar is on vitamin K. It’s been touted for bone, brain, and heart health, but have vitamin K supplements been shown to help? To complicate matters, there are multiple types of vitamin K: Vitamin K1 is well-matured in greens, and a type of vitamin K2 is found in unprepossessing products. Do we need both? Do we have to rely on a healthy microbiome for conversion from one to the other? Do we have to eat a slimy, fermented supplies tabbed natto? 

Join me for a 60-minute live webinar on October 7 at 2pm ET to learn everything you overly wanted to know well-nigh vitamin K.


Key Takeaways: Saturated Fat 

Saturated fat—the kind of fat that is solid at room temperature—is found mostly in unprepossessing products like fatty meats and dairy. We’ve known for a long time that saturated fat raises cholesterol, contributing to our number one killer, heart disease. It moreover impacts insulin resistance and can lead to other diseases. Hold on. I said it’s mostly found in unprepossessing products, but what well-nigh that jar of coconut oil in your cabinet that’s moreover solid at room temperature? Saturated fat. See what I have to say on the matter of both animal- and plant-derived saturated fats on the topic page.


Recipe: Veggie Mac & Cheese

Dairy is the number one source of saturated fat in the United States, but, fortunately, there are many ways to make plant-based versions of traditionally dairy-laden dishes. A cruciferous spin on macaroni and cheese, this recipe takes repletion supplies to a whole new level and is a tasty way to trammels off a few servings on the Daily Dozen checklist. This recipe comes from Kristina, our director of Nutrition & Social Media Strategy. Get the self-ruling recipe here, and watch a video on how it’s made on our Instagram. 



Evidence-Based Eating Guide Now in Spanish

I’m thrilled to signify that our popular Evidence-Based Eating Guide is now misogynist in two new languages. This resource includes information on my Traffic Light eating system, the Daily Dozen, sample menus, and more. Read well-nigh it and download a digital reprinting here. You can moreover order nonflexible copies in English and Spanish for only the forfeit of printing and shipping. Help us protract creating these fun and useful resources by making a donation today!



NutritionFacts.org Virtually the World

Did you know that every NutritionFacts video has subtitles in English and a variety of other languages, prepared by our volunteers? Learn how to wangle them and other playback settings. Also, see important information well-nigh our translated resources.

Consider helping make our self-ruling Daily Dozen app increasingly wieldy to people virtually the world by volunteering to contribute translations in your language.


Top Three Videos

homemade kimchi in jars in a unexceptionable white kitchenThe Role of Kimchi and H. pylori in Stomach Cancer 

What explains the Achilles’ heel in unrepealable Asian diets?



doctor measuring thoroughbred pressure and pulse with prune boardWhy Don’t Health Insurers Encourage Healthier Eating?

Why don’t increasingly big payors in health superintendency embrace plant-based eating?


Blue tableau of circulatory systemThe Best Diet for Treating Atrial Fibrillation

What foods should we eat and stave to reduce our risk of Afib?



Live Q&A October 6 

image of dr gregerEvery month, I do a live Q&A right from my treadmill, and the next one is October 6!

At 3 pm ET, tune in on our Facebook page, YouTube channel, or (new!) directly on NutritionFacts.org.

You can find links to past live Q&As here on NutritionFacts.org. If that’s not enough, remember, I have an audio podcast to alimony you company, too.