What do you know about your body? These 17 Facts About the Human Body Will Send Chills Down Your Spine. These amazing facts may still be hard to swallow, but you will absolutely be all ears to hear about them.
Did you love science at school? Let\'s face it, only a handful of us had the stomach for learning all the scientific stuff back then by heart.
Today\'s topic will be easier to perceive. What is more, it will be much more exciting. We have 17 jaw-dropping facts about your body that may still be hard to swallow and digest, but you will be all ears to hear about them!
#humanbody #factsaboutbody #interestingfacts
Your brain generates enough electricity to power a light bulb. 0:49
Human teeth are roughly as strong as shark teeth. 1:25
Stomach acid can make a hole in your skin. 1:59
The human hair is virtually indestructible. 2:44
Humans can create up to 7,000 different facial expressions. 3:09
Babies have over 60 more bones in their bodies than adults. 3:33
The resolution of the eye is estimated to be around 500 megapixels. 3:55
An adult\'s skin weighs around 17,6 pounds on average. 4:26
The human skeleton regenerates itself every 10 years. 4:52
Your eyes stay closed for about 10% of your waking hours. 5:14
Your kidneys filter all of your blood about 25 times a day. 5:45
The pink corner of our eye is the third eyelid. 6:15
The liver is capable of fully regenerating its original size. 6:39
Your heartbeat synchronizes with the rhythm of the music you are listening to. 7:05
The enzymes that are responsible for digesting the food will begin to digest the human body itself after death. 7:32
Some of the atoms in our bodies are stardust that is billions of years old. 7:44
In an average lifetime, the heart pumps around 53 million gallons of blood. 8:14
17 Jaw-Dropping Facts You Didn\'t Know About the Human Body:
- When you are awake, your brain is known to generate electricity in the amount of about 15-25 watts. This power is quite enough to keep a low-wattage LED lamp shining!
- The fun part: the enamel which covers the top of your teeth is the hardest part of your whole body.
- Hydrochloric acid is a typical \"inhabitant\" of a human stomach. This type of acid is industrial-grade and can, in fact, destroy metals!
- Even the content of your bloodstreams such as vitamins, drugs, or alcohol, can be found out from a strand of hair analysis.
- According to scientists, there are four main facial expressions: angry, afraid/surprised, happy, and sad. Based on these, all the rest of 7,000 expressions are performed.
- Babies are born with as many as 270 bones. Later on, some of the bones start fusing together, for instance, the bones of the spine.
- The resolution of the human eye is estimated to be around 500 megapixels. It makes them 72 times more precise than the rear camera of iPhone 6.
- The skin weight makes lifting up another human being so difficult. Another interesting fact about your skin is that every square inch of it is covered with more than six hundred sweat glands.
- You always have a blend of old and new bones in your body.
- A person blinks on average 15 times a minute, though it is proved that women do it twice as often as men.
- Only one percent of the blood they filter turn into the urine, the rest is redistributed throughout the body. A kidney of an adult isn\'t big at all, in fact, its size can be compared to that of a fist.
- Humans retain a tiny fold in the inner corner of the eye. It is what is left from a membrane birds, and mammals have had for protecting the eye and sweeping out debris, at the same time providing visibility.
- People who donate part of their liver to those who are in need, don\'t have to worry about their health. Their liver will soon regenerate the part which has been donated.
- Music, especially the one that contains a continuous increase in volume or tempo, makes your heartbeat synchronize with it.
- The enzymes make human organs start to digest the body. And they then team up with microbes, and the process of decomposition begins.
- All plants, animals, your food, even your car contain pieces of distant stars.
- This fist-sized organ beats around 115 thousand times a day and pumps 2,000 gallons of blood. In a lifetime, the number of its beats can reach 3 billion!
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17 Jaw-Dropping Facts You Didn't Know About the Body