Bounty Sports: Fantasy Pickems iPhone Review

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These days fantasy sports can be complicated, requiring fans to follow every detail of their players and team picks to have any endangerment of winning. The Bounty Sports: Fantasy Pickems app simplifies the process by asking users to only pick a winning team for a endangerment to win real mazuma payouts. Here is some of the app’s description:

Bounty Sports is the world’s first fantasy sports platform designed for everyday fans. Get $5 for signing up & enter low stakes daily pick’em style contests to win big!

Bounty Sports is waffly how fans play fantasy sports. Our fun, quick and easy to learn platform hosts pick’em style contests where users segregate which teams they think will win, earn fantasy points for correct selections and win mazuma prizes. Prizes are big, winners are paid out immediately and everyone has a endangerment to win.

1) Pick teams, not players
2) Simple scoring system
3) Spend a little and win a lot

Traditional fantasy sports platforms are broken. They have evolved from a fun game with friends to a place where a few experts unceasingly win at the expense of stereotype fans. Bounty Sports is looking to fix that with a simple, easy to understand fantasy sports platform. We want stereotype fans to play and have a endangerment to win every night.

The Bounty Sports app is fantasy sports with pickem contests anyone can win. There is a wide variety of sports to segregate from – Baseball, football, soccer, and plane MMA. Worth sign-up is an easy, streamlined process. Just fill out one form on the sign-up page with personal and sign-in information. Not ready to join? The app allows users to skip the worth sign-up and scan upcoming contests surpassing committing, which is really nice. Entry fees for each tour are listed withal with prize money and points for the match-up withal with their live count lanugo and number of entries enrolled and total.

Each team selected within the match-up has a specific number of points allocated. If the chosen team wins, the winner receives that number of points, one point if it was the favorite, increasingly if the team was the underdog. If the losing team is chosen, no points are gained or lost. Contests take place every day with low entry fees and big payoffs. The app layout is as simple as can be with no need for a tutorial to get started picking. 

The pitch for the Bounty Sports app is that it is sports betting simplified. Play at any previous wits level, pick a team, and win. Though the picks for contests by the team do make things a bit easier, the winning is a little increasingly complicated. When it comes to races scoring, users are ranked based on the total number of points they receive in the given contest. When there is a tie, no prize money is paid. There is moreover a 10% hosting fee from races winnings to Bounty Sports. That stuff said, it is much less complicated than towers teams and keeping up with stats on players to strategize and win. Just be sure to understand how everything works and all the fine print is read surpassing diving straight in. 

For fantasy sports fans, Bounty Sports: Fantasy Pickems is a quick and easy way to get a daily sports bet fix. The app is misogynist now on App Store for free, or visit Right now they are offering a FREE $5 signup bonus for all new players, no petrifaction necessary.

This vendible Bounty Sports: Fantasy Pickems iPhone Review appeared first on The Smartphone App Review.