Fairphone Easy: a smartphone subscription for a fairer future

The world needs a new merchantry model. The electronics industry focuses on selling new devices as often as possible to make a profit, driving rapid product life cycles, overconsumption and waste. Fairphone knows that while profit is important, a fairer, cleaner future is most important of all; we must move towards a circular economy that makes the most of the resources we have. That’s why we love longevity and diamond longer-lasting, hands repairable smartphones – while encouraging others to embrace longevity too. Without all, the longer you alimony your phone, the lower its environmental and social footprint. That’s where our new merchantry model comes in.

Introducing Fairphone Easy

We are proud to signify the launch of Fairphone Easy, a smartphone subscription service that takes our circular ambitions to the next level. We’re giving users in The Netherlands the option to use our most sustainable and modular phone yet, the Fairphone 4 (in green, with 8GB/256GB), for a stock-still monthly fee, rather than ownership it.

Fairphone Easy subscribers don’t need to worry well-nigh replacing their phone or well-nigh fixing it when something breaks. We take superintendency of any maintenance or upgrades needed. Users are moreover rewarded with lower monthly fees if they take superintendency of and use their phone for longer: for every year the phone stays forfeiture free, the monthly unbelieve increases, rewarding users for taking part in our mission for smartphone longevity.


Is Fairphone Easy increasingly sustainable?

How is a subscription service increasingly circular and sustainable than simply ownership a phone, you may wonder? The current merchantry model of our industry sees well-nigh 1.4 billion mobile phones sold globally. Users alimony their phones for an stereotype of 2-3 years, yet only 15% of discarded phones are placid for recycling. This adds to the growing world’s e-waste problem – and increasing CO2 emissions, as 70% of a smartphone’s lifetime emissions occur during production. The increasingly new phones, the larger the environmental impact. These rapid lifecycles not only have a negative impact on the planet, but moreover on the people working in the supply chain. The longer a phone (and all its materials) are in use, the lower the impact on people and the planet. Fairphone Easy maximizes the lifetime of our phones and their materials, while ensuring a unconfined user wits and providing a increasingly sustainable merchantry model for the smartphone industry.

What makes Fairphone Easy circular?

Fairphone Easy encourages subscribers to increase the lifetime of their phone by ensuring they enjoy keeping their phone in use longer. If the subscriber stops, Fairphone ensures the phone ‘lives on’ by refurbishing it and giving it to a new subscriber, or re-using the parts to repair flipside phone. At the end of the phone’s life, Fairphone will make sure it is properly recycled. This way it won’t wilt e-waste, or end up in a drawer where its valuable materials cannot be utilized.

This merchantry model has been a long-time wish of ours; until now we’ve mostly been working on making the process of designing and producing a phone fairer for people and planet. But, without the consumer buys the phone, the process is out of our hands. With Fairphone Easy’s service model, we can now make the phone’s unshortened life trundling fairer and increasingly sustainable, by encouraging longer use and ensuring its re-use and proper recycling.


Want to know increasingly well-nigh Fairphone Easy? You can find all the details here, and if you’re in the Netherlands and in need of a new phone, join us, and wilt part of the circular solution!

The post Fairphone Easy: a smartphone subscription for a fairer future appeared first on Fairphone.