If you are one of those people who says “I wish I could stay in bed forever” every morning, I have great news for you. There are people who are willing to pay you $19,000 for just that! Those people are NASA and the European Space Agency. They are looking for brave people to spend over two months in bed “for a better life in space and on Earth”.
#dreamjob #sleep #interestingjobs
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Why it\'s not an opportunity for everyone 0:35
What exactly you will do 1:22
What happened to the guy who took part in a similar experiment 2:24
What awaits you if you decide to do that:
- Muscular atrophy 4:12
- You will be barely able to walk 4:38
- Bedsores! 4:57
- Problems with your heart 5:34
- Depression 6:01
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- You have to be a healthy, physically fit, non-smoking lady aged 24 to 55. And if that sounds doable, there’s one more requirement – you have to be able to speak German!
- It doesn’t look like Netflix is totally excluded, but you’ll have to watch it, as well as eat, shower, and go to the bathroom while inclined at 6 degrees with your head end downward and always in bed.
- Your diet will not be super exciting. Nutritionists will control the fluids and nutrients you get, but don’t expect them to add sweeteners or anything else that normally makes food yummy.
- There was actually a guy who took part in a similar experiment a couple years ago. The scariest part was when the experiment was over and he got to stand up straight again. His heart was pounding at a frightening 150 beats per minute.
- After 4 weeks you’d be half as strong as you used to be before the experiment. It takes a lot of effort and time to cure this muscular atrophy, so keeping your balance and coordination would be a real nightmare.
- Second, your bones would lose their density and you’d break them even with the slightest fall. Your joints would deteriorate with no movement.
- Bedsores caused by pressure and limited blood flow to the skin will quickly pop up on your knees, elbows, tailbone, heels, ankles, and shoulder blades. Bedsores always get worse in stages.
- You’d also have some problems with your heart since it will have to beat quicker to pump the blood trying to save your life.
- Finally, you’re likely to experience apathy, depression, or panic attacks since your brain will be quite confused by this experiment, as well.
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They Will Pay Anyone $19,000 Who Spends 2 Months in Bed