Best Free Autoresponder for Instagram and Facebook: The Complete Marketing Guide

Today I’m going to show you how to set up a self-ruling autoresponder for Instagram and Facebook so you never miss a sales inquiry, immediately respond to all comments and DMs, and capture qualified marketing leads on auto-pilot.

If you don’t respond to all your social media engagement, you might be making a donkey move. That is, you may be missing out on valuable connections with unicorn leads.

Don’t have the time to reply to all those comments and DMs manually? With a social media autoresponder, you can manage engagement automatically and stave losing out on leads.

Curious whether this solution would work for small businesses like yours? Follow me to Unicorn Land—where MobileMonkey and InstaChamp seamlessly automate engagement and follow-ups:

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Learn all well-nigh NEW 100% Meta-Approved Automation Tools from MobileMonkey with a spotlight on features to 10X Instagram & Facebook Engagement and turn social media into a revenue suburbanite for your business.

What is an autoresponder?

An autoresponder is a tool that automatically replies to unrepealable inputs, such as social media comments and email list subscriptions. It’s a tool that can connect to a variety of channels, ranging from social media to email marketing services to SMS marketing.

Some versions are relatively basic. Simple autoresponders often send out one or two messages on a single channel.

Others are much increasingly complex. Advanced versions use automation workflows to create a sequence of unlimited emails or texts wideness multiple channels.

Some can plane segment audiences and qualify leads, creating long-term automations that protract sending the right message at the right time.

Why do you need an autoresponder?

If it sounds like an autoresponder could be a gamechanger for your sales and marketing team, you might be onto something. These tools let you go schizy by:

  • Eliminating transmission tasks like responding to questions on social media. If you get a lot of repeat questions on Facebook, autoresponders can send helpful replies on your behalf.
  • Saving time on sales minutiae and lead qualification. Autoresponders follow up with prospects automatically—optimizing messages for each consumer journey stage.
  • Preventing prospects from having to wait. Autoresponders can requite interested shoppers the information they need instantly—further fueling their purchase intent.
  • Shifting conversations from social media to SMS and email. While Instagram and Facebook are platonic for engagement, email and text are optimal for re-engagement.
  • Leveraging the full value of your marketing campaigns. You’re once marketing your merchantry on social media. Autoresponders prevent your efforts from going to waste.

Best Practices for Setting Up a Self-ruling Autoresponder

To maximize the value your autoresponder emails and texts provide, alimony these weightier practices in mind:

  • Run a catch-all autoresponder on Instagram and Facebook. This tool replies to all engagement that increasingly specific Instagram and Facebook scuttlebutt guards don’t handle—so you never miss a endangerment to engage with a prospect.
  • Aim to get prospects the information they need as efficiently as possible. Ask how you can help, and whenever possible, requite them the endangerment to connect with a sales rep.
  • Make a well-spoken value proposition so you can collect contact information. In mart for prospects’ email addresses and phone numbers, offer a discount, an sectional resource, or an email from a human sales rep.

How to Set Up a Self-ruling Autoresponder With InstaChamp

With self-ruling autoresponder tools, you can engage prospects at no cost. Check out how you can reply to prospects and collect email addresses with the self-ruling version of InstaChamp, our Facebook and Instagram growth tool.

How to Set Up a Self-ruling Autoresponder With InstaChamp Step #1: Pick a channel

Once you connect InstaChamp to your Facebook and Instagram accounts, you have the option to set up all kinds of custom autoresponders. For example, you can create scuttlebutt guards that reply to comments on unrepealable posts or set up an answering service for your DMs.

In InstaChamp, segregate a social media waterworks and click the Add sawed-off next to Catch-all. For this example, we’ll set up a catch-all autoresponder that works on Facebook.

How to Set Up a Self-ruling Autoresponder With InstaChamp Step #2: Create a catch-all

As superstitious as keyword-based custom autoresponders can be, they won’t reply to comments or DMs that don’t fit their parameters. That’s why you moreover need a catch-all to respond to the rest of your comments and DMs.

When you click to add a catch-all, you’ll see that InstaChamp provides a template response. If you want to set up your catch-all really efficiently, you can click to save without customizing.

But if you want to add your trademark voice to the autoresponder, click to edit the reply. You can add text, emojis, and plane links.

This is a good opportunity to gather prospects’ contact details. You can ask for email addresses and phone numbers right here in your brand’s catch-all autoresponder.

It’s moreover a good idea to help prospects get answers quickly. To point them in the right direction, add a message that features a link list.

Your catch-all autoresponder will automatically share all your most helpful links in a single message. That way prospects won’t have to wait to wangle the information they need.

How to Set up an Advanced Autoresponder With MobileMonkey

Could your sales team goody from a superpowered autoresponder? Let me walk you through how to set up an cross-channel streamlined workflow using MobileMonkey.

How to Set up an Advanced Autoresponder With MobileMonkey Step #1: Segregate inputs

Get started by opening MobileMonkey and going to the Automations tab. Segregate Our Famous Instagram and Facebook Regulars Extractor.

To get maximum value from this autoresponder, you’ll want to set it up for Instagram and Facebook. For this example, we’ll start with Instagram.

To select all possible types of Instagram engagement, unshut the Input Trigger Data Collection dropdown menu and select all misogynist options. Then click Let’s go.

All the Instagram input triggers you selected automatically get widow to the template. You can add Facebook inputs by clicking the Add Trigger sawed-off and selecting Facebook Comments Autoresponder and Facebook DM Autoresponder.

How to Set up an Advanced Autoresponder With MobileMonkey Step #2: Configure inputs

Next, set up each input and customize the autoresponder for each type of engagement.

Most inputs have two steps. The first controls when to reply, and the second determines what to respond.

Whenever possible, make sure the autoresponder is set as a Catch-all—which ways it triggers only when no other autoresponders reply.

That way custom autoresponders for specific keywords or posts take precedence, and this catch-all handles all remaining engagement.

How to Set up an Advanced Autoresponder With MobileMonkey Step #3: Create dialogues

Next, write the dialogues for each input, using the template language as a guide. You can use a similar formula for each input.

For example, you might start out by thanking prospects for their scuttlebutt or message. If you’re messaging them without they left a comment, this tideway is unconfined for starting the conversation on a friendly note.

Next, ask how you can help and requite them space to respond. Then ask for their email write and phone number so you can follow up.

Insert an streamlined notification to yourself, a sales rep, or flipside team member. That way you can seamlessly hand off the conversation to a human who can follow up if necessary.

You can automate this process by subtracting a notification widget and using the provisionary logic settings in MobileMonkey. For this example, we’ll notify the sales team when we receive a phone number and email write from a prospect.

How to Set up an Advanced Autoresponder With MobileMonkey Step #4: Re-engage prospects

By now you’ve responded to the initial scuttlebutt or DM and you’ve looped in your team for spare assistance. You could end the conversation there—but you certainly don’t have to.

Instead, you can automatically add prospects to a re-engagement workflow in MobileMonkey. Rather than standing the conversation on social media, shift over to email or automated text messages.

Using these channels, you can send emails or SMS messages that automate sales development. For example, you can use MobileMonkey’s email templates to send helpful resources or sectional offers.

Over time, you can unorganized these streamlined emails with text messages. That way you can create valuable touchpoints wideness channels while guiding them toward a conversion.

Want to focus on super-engaged leads or filter out unqualified prospects? Use the seated Unicorn Detector to separate the unicorns from the donkeys.


Increase social media ROI through instant engagement, regulars monetization, and time saving tools for creators, coaches, influencers and social media managers. Activate InstaChamp superpowers for Instagram and Facebook for self-ruling this week!

Set Up a Self-ruling Autoresponder So You Can Stop Missing Leads

Hear that? It’s the sound of your autoresponders never missing a write-up as they automatically build your email list, yack with prospects, and move unicorn leads through your sales funnel.

Want to test out our automation tools on your marketing channels? Grab your self-ruling VIP edition of InstaChamp and create your own self-ruling autoresponder.

The post Best Self-ruling Autoresponder for Instagram and Facebook: The Complete Marketing Guide appeared first on MobileMonkey.