How to Build a Social Media Sales Funnel: Your Complete Guide

Today I’m going to show you how to build a social media sales funnel that sells—that is, how to generate uncontrived revenue from your business’s social media marketing channels.

Without a funnel, you could be stuck in Donkey Land forever, doing sales outreach and lead nurturing manually and ultimately wasting valuable time and resources.

But with a social media marketing funnel in place, you can create a seamless path to Unicorn Land. Here, you can guide prospects through the consumer journey efficiently while automating the process from lead capture to conversion.

So how can you create a social media sales funnel and start automating revenue generation? Here’s your guide to this unicorn tactic:

We’ll build a social media sales funnel together. You can see that live funnel in whoopee on Instagram here.

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What is a social media sales funnel?

A social media sales funnel is a path or a series of steps that your prospects take as they move withal the consumer journey. A typical funnel has four stages:

  • Awareness, where you introduce prospects to your business, products, and services
  • Consideration, where you share solutions and provide value to prospects
  • Conversion, where you prompt prospects to make a purchase or sign up for a service
  • Loyalty, where you persuade existing customers to make repeat purchases
sales and marketing funnel

As you can see, these stages form a funnel shape. At the top of the funnel, the sensation stage attracts the largest number of potential customers.

At each stage of the funnel that follows, some prospects naturally exit the consumer journey. Maybe they aren’t ready to buy. Perhaps they aren’t the right fit for your business.

Either way, later stages of the funnel naturally include progressively smaller groups of prospects. At the marrow of the funnel, you’ll find the smallest group.

But that isn’t a bad thing. People at the marrow of the funnel tend to be qualified leads who are ready to buy what you’re offering.

That ways they’re your key to generating revenue—as long as you have the right tools to convert them. With MobileMonkey, you can automate lead capture and qualification to maximize the value from your funnel.

What is funnel strategy?

To create a social media marketing funnel, you need to know the weightier type of content for each step of the consumer journey. Let’s spitball content for each funnel stage.

At the sensation stage, think well-nigh social media content that entertains or educates. Focus on introducing your merchantry and relating to customers—and save tutorials and nonflexible sells for later.

Take a squint at the Instagram Reel by @neilpatel below. It provides a short, entertaining introduction to Google Trends—a simple tool that can be a big help to prospects.

For the consideration stage, create content that provides social proof or inspires trust. Tutorials, blog posts, consumer testimonials, and user-generated content (UGC) are platonic for driving consideration.

Check out the Instagram post by @yogaclubbox below. It’s user-generated content that shows potential customers how existing customers are styling the brand’s yoga gear.

At the conversion stage, prioritize content that captures the lead or closes the sale. Irresistible offers and limited-time or -quantity sales work well for securing conversions.

Get inspired by the Instagram post by @sofamaniausa below. It promotes a limited-time sale with deep discounts.

For the loyalty stage, develop content that encourages engagement and shares. Content that offers rewards or incentivizes repeat purchases fits well with this final stage of the funnel.

Look at the Instagram post by @hushpuppiesshoes below. It encourages followers to promote the trademark in mart for a giveaway entry.

Keep in mind that new prospects will protract to enter your funnel over time. Aim to publish a steady rotation of content geared toward each stage of the funnel so you can alimony guiding prospects through the consumer journey.

How to Build a Social Media Sales Funnel: Your Step-by-Step Guide

In the tutorial below, I’ll show you how to build a social media sales funnel that works for both Facebook and Instagram. You can wield the same strategy and tactics to digital marketing channels like Twitter and LinkedIn.

How to Build a Social Media Sales Funnel Step #1: Awareness

Start with paid or organic videos and carousel posts that vamp sustentation and momentum discovery. This is your opportunity to introduce new prospects to your funnel.

Try these ideas:

  • Create a funny video or Instagram Reel that resonates with your target audience.
  • Host an Instagram Live to introduce your merchantry and go overdue the scenes.
  • Run an engagement ad to get prospects to interact with your top of funnel content.

For example, the @mobilemonkey Instagram post whilom is designed to entertain marketers. By using humor to connect with prospects, we can start to build trust and create interest.

We can moreover use the video post as a data source for advertising. If we ran Instagram ads to reach prospects remoter lanugo the funnel, we could retarget people who watched this (or any other) video.

How to Build a Social Media Sales Funnel Step #2: Consideration

Next, publish social media posts that convey the value your products or services provide. If you opt for paid content, use a custom regulars that retargets people who watched your videos or engaged with your content.

Try these ideas:

  • Break lanugo a new blog post and share some highlights in a carousel post.
  • Share content your customers created to show your products in action.
  • Talk well-nigh consumer reviews, testimonials, specimen studies, or industry awards.

The Instagram post by @kim_larry whilom features a consumer testimonial. By letting the consumer speak for himself, the post shows prospects what they could unzip with MobileMonkey.

How to Build a Social Media Sales Funnel Step #3: Conversion

Now it’s time to create an offer that your prospects won’t want to refuse. Encourage prospects to visit a landing page or request a resource from you—letting you side into their DMs and collect contact info automatically.

Try these ideas:

  • Offer a self-ruling trial or a product demo so prospects can wits your product.
  • Promote a lead magnet like webinar or a downloadable ebook or report.
  • Provide a promo lawmaking or a limited-time unbelieve to create a sense of urgency.

In the @mobilemonkey Instagram post above, we prompted prospects to scuttlebutt a keyword to see our Instagram scuttlebutt baby-sit tool in action. Anyone who comments receives a DM and enters our streamlined lead capture funnel. (Try it yourself here.)

With MobileMonkey, creating an Instagram sales funnel to capture leads is super simple. In MobileMonkey, unshut the Chat Starters panel and select Instagram Scuttlebutt Guard.

Click the sawed-off to create a new Instagram scuttlebutt guard. By default, scuttlebutt guards work with all Instagram posts. But in this case, we only want it to work with the post above—so we’ll click the Choose post button.

Comment guards automatically respond to all comments. Since we only want it to work for unrepealable comments, we’ll enter the keyword (“UNPLUG”) mentioned in the post caption.

Next, create the dialogue for your Instagram chatbot. In this case, we’ll add an Options widget so we can prompt people to reply with the provided response.

It’s unchangingly a good idea to collect contact info so you can follow up with leads or remarket to them later. Here, we’ll add an Ask for Email widget and save responses to the EMAIL attribute.

Then send your lead magnet. We’ll use a Text widget to send a link to the beta.

We’ll moreover add a Tags widget to automatically tag people who received the link. That way we’ll know who to follow up with later.

How to Build a Social Media Sales Funnel Step #4: Loyalty

Finally, it’s time to leverage your customers and loyal followers. With loyalty-focused content, you can grow your audience, momentum increasingly sales, and increase consumer lifetime value over the long term.

Try these ideas:

  • Ask customers to share what they’ve achieved with your product or service.
  • Host an ask me anything and share your weightier secrets with your customers.
  • Retarget existing customers with Instagram ads and offer upsells or cross-sells.

Use Ads Manager to create a custom regulars of people on your VIP consumer list. Or use the platform’s seated retargeting tools to upsell and cross-sell to your weightier customers.

Launch Your Unicorn Sales Strategy With a Social Media Funnel

With a well-designed social media marketing funnel, you can guide prospects withal the consumer journey and turn unstudied followers into paying customers.

When you add a tool like MobileMonkey to the mix, you can capture increasingly unicorn leads and uplift conversion rates automatically—so you can focus on latter washed-up deals.

Ready to get increasingly value from your marketing efforts? Get your self-ruling MobileMonkey trial and start towers your social media sales funnel today.

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Leave no qualified lead behind! Use MobileMonkey FunnelPro to automatically track, qualify and follow-up with leads wideness the most popular consumer messaging channels. See FunnelPro’s powerful lead generation and funnel optimization capabilities today!

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Important Next Steps

  • Create your own streamlined sales funnels with MobileMonkey. Get started for self-ruling today.
  • Talk and learn well-nigh sales outreach automation with other growth enthusiasts. Join MobileMonkey Island, our Facebook group of 40K marketers and entrepreneurs who are ready to support you.
  • Advance your marketing performance with Sales Outreach School, a self-ruling tutorial and training zone for sales pros and marketers.

The post How to Build a Social Media Sales Funnel: Your Complete Guide appeared first on MobileMonkey.