How to Craft the Perfect Outreach Campaign

Today I’m going to show you how a transferral to crafting the perfect unprepossessed outreach wayfarers has landed me $200 million in value—including $30 million in venture wanted over the last decade alone.

Have growth marketing experts tried to tell you that unprepossessed outreach is spam or that it isn’t worth the effort? They’re giving you donkey advice.

If you do it right, you’ll find that unprepossessed outreach is a unicorn marketing channel—with tons of potential for connecting with visualization makers and growing your business.

So what’s the right way to build an outreach campaign? Follow me to Unicorn Land and I’ll share some tactics I’ve picked up withal the way:

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What is an outreach campaign?

An outreach wayfarers is an effort to contact prospects—typically by email or phone—in an struggle to pitch your product or service.

But there’s a lot increasingly to unprepossessed outreach than uncounted prospect lists and generic sales pitches.

Let’s start with the name. Targeted outbound outreach is a much increasingly well-judged term.

After all, the most successful campaigns are designed to connect with specific segments. They’re tailored to prospects’ needs, goals, and challenges—and they pitch solutions that visualization makers unquestionably want.

What can you unzip with a unprepossessed outreach strategy?

My outreach campaigns unliable me to typesetting meetings with tons of influential investors—ultimately leading to $200 million in value. That didn’t happen overnight, though.

And I definitely didn’t magically launch a unicorn wayfarers on my very first attempt. Targeted outbound outreach requires relentless testing and optimization.

In fact, I recommend scaling up your testing as much as possible. Ideally, you’ll test hundreds of offers through a combination of inbound and outbound campaigns. Then you can go schizy with the winning offers.

Top Channels for Targeted Outbound Outreach

My most successful unprepossessed outreach campaigns have focused on two channels: email and SMS.

Email outreach is unconfined for making initial connections and providing value. You can use email to build credibility, share resources, and show your target regulars that you have the solutions they need.

SMS is an underutilized unprepossessed outreach superpower that’s platonic for follow-ups remoter withal in the consumer journey. Considering you typically text with people who are tropical to you, I think of SMS as a trusted space.

So if you’re a sales rep who’s texting with a prospect, you’re substantially once having a meeting. It’s up to you to assess the intent, leverage the access, and tropical the deal.

Expert Advice: Unprepossessed Outreach Dos and Don’ts

I’ve sent a lot of unprepossessed emails. Some of them have worked, and some of them have totally flopped. Here’s what I’ve learned firsthand.

Do Use Trusted Data Sources

Getting your hands on visualization makers’ email addresses isn’t unchangingly easy. You might seem your only options are trying to track them lanugo yourself or ownership an email list from a reseller.

Both of these are bad ideas. They’ll rationalization you to waste a tuft of time or invest in a spammy list that won’t get you anywhere.

Instead, use a trusted data source for contact details. MobileMonkey’s RoboBDR platform connects you with reputable data—in fact, we test the email addresses ourselves.

Don’t Hesitate to Send Ego Bait

Sending generic pitches that don’t provide any unique or valuable insights won’t get you very far. Instead, they’ll probably go right to the spam folder.

To get prospects’ attention, send what I undeniability ego bait. Use your knowledge of prospects’ visitor names, recent events, and interests—turning it into a personalized email that’s well-nigh them.

With MobileMonkey, you can add a lot of personal details to your email marketing templates. That way you can tailor your emails while still using automation to save time.

Do Successors Your Unicorns

The first outbound offer you create probably won’t be a hit. Neither will the second.

In reality, you need to test hundreds of offers to see what works. As you gather data, pinpoint what’s working—from the offer to the sequence to the angle.

Then take the offers with the highest unshut and click rates and fuse them to create the ultimate unicorn campaign. In other words, successors your unicorns.

Don’t Requite Up on Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing typically has a upper signal-to-noise ratio. With inbound, you might build a huge email list or social media following.

But your inbound regulars is probably going to include a lot of donkeys. That’s one of the reasons I’m such a big proponent of outbound tactics.

You can use myriad signals to craft the platonic outbound list. When prospects respond, they’re once qualified.

But that doesn’t midpoint you should requite up on inbound. I like using inbound methods to test and iterate offers at scale—and using what works to guide my outbound campaigns.

Do Use Outbound Marketing Tools

Just considering the results from your inbound marketing campaigns can inform your outbound offers doesn’t midpoint you should completely merge the two channels.

Using inbound SMS and email marketing platforms can get your wayfarers (and your account) shut lanugo quickly. To send unprepossessed outreach, you need an outbound platform.

MobileMonkey is designed for streamlined sales outreach. That ways it automatically paces send rates and monitors deliverability to alimony your campaigns flowing.

Don’t Overdo It With Follow-Ups

Most targeted outreach requires at least one follow-up. But should you alimony reaching out to every single prospect exactly a dozen times?

Not necessarily. Use prospects’ behaviors to guide your follow-up strategy.

It might sound counterintuitive, but you probably shouldn’t start sending increasingly follow-ups to prospects who don’t respond to your outreach. A lot of sales reps do this, but I don’t recommend it.

Instead, focus on nurturing prospects who are responsive. Then remove the others from your automation when it’s well-spoken that they’re donkeys.

How to Automate an Outreach Campaign

Now you know what to do and what not to do with your outbound marketing strategy. Let me show you how to turn that knowledge into a unprepossessed outreach campaign.

How to Automate an Outreach Wayfarers Step #1: Build your prospect list

First, you need a list of prospects. Ideally, these should be prospects who fit your platonic consumer profile and who are likely to be interested in your offer.

I usually use a couple tools for list building:

MobileMonkey’s RoboBDR platform is the ticket to finding creators, influencers, and hard-to-target B2C visualization makers. Our database has over 100,000 prospects and uses increasingly than 10,000 signals to help you build the perfect outreach list.

Our Unicorn Xray tool is moreover handy for identifying prospects who have once shown intent. It can track lanugo email addresses for people who visit your website—who have once shown an interest in your business.

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Fill your sales pipeline and win increasingly deals faster at a fraction of the forfeit of human sales minutiae reps using the MobileMonkey RoboBDR™ database of 100 million B2C prospects and proven sales outreach automation cadences for email and SMS.


How to Automate an Outreach Wayfarers Step #2: Set up an streamlined sequence

Next, use one of MobileMonkey’s automation templates to plan your outreach campaign.

I like the Longest and Most Persistent Follow-Up Funnel Ever. It has increasingly than a dozen email and SMS touchpoints, so it’s unconfined for towers relationships and measuring intent over the long term.

For an input trigger, use your outreach list. Then build out your offer. Start with an introductory email that has a tricky subject line, a great opening line, and a simple call-to-action (CTA).

Then use the SMS and email templates to add follow-ups at regular intervals throughout the sequence. You can moreover shift the conversation to text or unorganized email and SMS messages.

Just make sure your messages go light on the links and attachments. It’s okay to link out to a blog post or flipside high-value piece of content (like a specimen study)—but stave packing them with spam triggers.

How to Automate an Outreach Wayfarers Step #3: Fine-tune your Unicorn Detector

As your streamlined wayfarers runs, watch the results closely. MobileMonkey shows you how many views your outreach has gotten at each stage of the funnel.

Use your insights to refine your wayfarers and optimize your results. Is one of your CTAs getting totally bonkers results—but it’s way too late in the funnel?

Breed your unicorns to get the weightier possible results. And remember to use the Unicorn Detector to shape your funnel.

You can add Unicorn Detectors throughout your automation to segment your audience. With unbearable testing and optimization, you’ll find unicorns in a sea of donkeys—and you’ll be worldly-wise to build plane largest targeted outbound outreach automations.


With a targeted list, a tailored offer, and plenty of testing, you can find unicorns with outreach marketing.

Ready to see how streamlined sales outreach works for you? Grab your self-ruling MobileMonkey trial and let’s get started.

Important Next Steps

  • Create your own streamlined sales funnels with MobileMonkey. Get started for self-ruling today.
  • Talk and learn well-nigh sales outreach automation with other growth enthusiasts. Join MobileMonkey Island, our Facebook group of 40K marketers and entrepreneurs who are ready to support you.
  • Advance your marketing performance with Sales Outreach School, a self-ruling tutorial and training zone for sales pros and marketers.

The post How to Craft the Perfect Outreach Campaign appeared first on MobileMonkey.