How to Optimize Your Lead Generation Website: 5 Essential Tips

Today I’m going to show you how to optimize your website for lead generation so you can capture lead intent, find qualified prospects, and handle sales outreach increasingly efficiently.

But first there’s something you should know. Most websites are donkey channels.

They unhook information passively, relying on visitors to know what they need and where to find it. That can result in lengthy consumer journeys and lost leads and revenue.

In contrast, a lead generation website is a unicorn channel. It’s designed to vamp prospects, understand intent, and nurture leads—streamlining sales outreach and filling your sales pipeline.

So how can you implement lead gen unicorn tactics on your website successfully? Find out how an streamlined lead generation tool like MobileMonkey can put you in the fast lane to Unicorn Land:

Never Miss a Lead with MobileMonkey FunnelPro

Leave no qualified lead behind! Use MobileMonkey FunnelPro to automatically track, qualify and follow-up with leads wideness the most popular consumer messaging channels. See FunnelPro’s powerful lead generation and funnel optimization capabilities today!

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What is a lead generation website?

A lead generation website is engineered to guide prospects through a sales funnel. Its primary goal is to convert visitors to leads.

A site that generates leads powerfully can goody both your merchantry and your visitors. It provides prospects with useful resources while collecting invaluable data you can use to nurture and convert leads.

Building a successful lead gen site requires:

  • Understanding who your platonic proprietrix is and how their consumer journey works
  • Knowing how to create and serve content for each stage of the sales funnel
  • Adopting the right tools to capture lead intent and automate lead qualification

5 Ways to Optimize Your Lead Generation Website

There are tons of ways to optimize your website for lead generation. Let’s squint at some of the top tactics and tools.

Lead Generation Website Tip #1: Clarify user intent

Your merchantry might have dozens of potential offers misogynist to entice prospects. But not every offer is the right fit for every site visitor.

That’s why understanding user intent is essential. To guide visitors in the right direction, you need to know why they’ve landed on your site and what kind of information they’re seeking.

In some cases, the wordplay might seem obvious. For example, one of our recent blog posts explains how to trammels Instagram analytics.

It’s unscratched to say that people reading this post want to know well-nigh Instagram marketing strategy. So we widow a relevant offer into the blog post: an opportunity to access MobileMonkey autoresponder tools for Instagram and Facebook.

But what if user intent doesn’t seem so obvious? Ask visitors directly! With MobileMonkey web chat, you can engage site visitors proactively and ask them how you can help.

In fact, when you opened this blog post, our live MobileMonkey chatbot probably greeted you. Here’s how the live web yack looks:

First, our live yack tool asks visitors to segregate the topic they’re interested in. Then it gives them a few options ranging from tools to merchantry types.

We can use their replies to understand their pain points and goals. We can moreover get a largest sense of their intent and respond accordingly.

Lead Generation Website Tip #2: Develop lead capture forms

Recognizing intent is just one task our web yack tool can tackle. After prospects segregate a topic, the MobileMonkey bot tells them a little well-nigh what they can unzip with the tool they picked.

We can (and do) share a lot of tomfool automation hacks via web chat. But connecting with prospects via multiple channels is unchangingly a smart move.

So if prospects are interested, we ask if we can send them increasingly info via email. Since MobileMonkey web chat has lead capture capabilities, we can get their contact details—ranging from names to email addresses to phone numbers—right then and there.

Setting up a similar lead capture form is easy. In MobileMonkey, go to Chat Starters and unshut the Website Yack Widgets menu.

Create a new website yack widget and add an intro message to welcome site visitors. Requite them some options to segregate from and link each to a separate dialogue. Here, we included six options.

Next, throne over to Dialogues and create unique conversations for each of the options you provided. When towers our live chatbot, we created a mini quiz surpassing offering a self-ruling gift.

Remember to alimony the dialogue mellifluous so it sounds less like a bot and increasingly like a helpful resource. You can plane add short pauses between questions and responses to make your chatbot increasingly natural.

Then create your lead capture form, using a separate widget for each datapoint. For example, we started off by asking prospects for their names. We made sure to save their responses as a First Name symbol so we could add them to our contact list.

You moreover have the option to add tags throughout the workflow. In this example we widow tags every time a prospect provided information so we could alimony track of which questions they’ve answered.

Lead Generation Website Tip #3: Create useful lead magnets

Although lead capture forms are incredibly powerful, they can’t collect contact details without prospects’ permission. And in most cases, prospects want to make sure there’s something in it for them surpassing they requite yonder their personal info.

That’s where lead magnets come into play. Lead magnets offer value that prospects can’t get elsewhere—making it worthwhile for them to provide their (highly valuable) contact information in exchange.

You can segregate from a long list of lead magnet options and formats. Downloadable guides, insightful reports, and sectional webinars are all unconfined for attracting leads.

For example, our MobileMonkey bot offers a list of top tactics to prospects who indicated an interest in web chat. In mart for the insights, they provide their contact details.

You can set up a similar workflow in your web yack dialogue. After you’ve placid contact info, add a Zapier trigger to prompt our email marketing platform to send the lead magnet.

Then you can shift the dialogue when to engaging with your new lead. In our web chat, we ask leads if they’d like to learn increasingly well-nigh flipside topic—which helps us largest understand their intent and how we can help.

Lead Generation Website Tip #4: Perfect your calls-to-action (CTAs)

Your lead magnets might be totally bananas. But they may not get the traction you intended if you don’t tell prospects exactly how to wangle your lead magnets.

So what’s the solution? Create clear, compelling CTAs that prospects can’t resist clicking.

For example, our web yack uses the CTA Claim My Prize to get prospects excited well-nigh the lead magnet we created just for them.

We moreover love offering self-ruling trials of MobileMonkey and self-ruling wangle to our latest tools. Throughout our website, you’ll see CTAs like Get MobileMonkey Free—which are unconfined for grabbing sustentation and getting leads into our funnel.

Some of our offers and lead magnets are a bit increasingly sectional and only towards on a defended landing page. With their singular focus and streamlined website design, these landing pages are specially engineered for lead generation.

For example, one of our lead magnets is an Instagram webinar hosted by MobileMonkey CEO Larry Kim. It shows marketers how to 10x Instagram growth and engagement via automation

When prospects click the Save My Self-ruling Seat CTA, the landing page asks for contact info and details well-nigh their Instagram worth and social media engagement. We can unriddle the info that leads provide to determine if they’re a good fit for our product.

Lead Generation Website Tip #5: Personalize content for return visitors

In most cases, it takes multiple touchpoints to tropical a sale. Surpassing they’re ready to buy, your prospects may visit your website multiple times to squint for resources or review pricing.

You don’t have to treat returning prospects like strangers. Instead, you can make them finger right at home.

Our web yack tool makes it easy to create variegated starters for new and returning users. If you’ve once visited our site at least once, the MobileMonkey bot will greet you with “Welcome back!”

Setting up separate yack starters only takes a second. Create a new yack starter and click the Edit Display Rules tab.

Then transpiration the settings so that it displays for returning visitors only. You can link the same options and dialogues or set up totally new ones to request to increasingly informed prospects.

Simplify Sales Outreach With a Lead Generation Website

From lead magnets to A/B tests, these optimization tips can help you find, qualify, nurture, and convert prospects. With streamlined lead capture tools like MobileMonkey, you can transform a donkey website into a unicorn marketing channel.

Why wait to uncork optimizing your website for lead generation? Grab your self-ruling MobileMonkey trial now and get started with our website lead generation tools today.

Never Miss a Lead with MobileMonkey FunnelPro

Leave no qualified lead behind! Use MobileMonkey FunnelPro to automatically track, qualify and follow-up with leads wideness the most popular consumer messaging channels. See FunnelPro’s powerful lead generation and funnel optimization capabilities today!

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Important Next Steps

  • Create your own streamlined sales funnels with MobileMonkey. Get started for self-ruling today.
  • Talk and learn well-nigh sales outreach automation with other growth enthusiasts. Join MobileMonkey Island, our Facebook group of 40K marketers and entrepreneurs who are ready to support you.
  • Advance your marketing performance with Sales Outreach School, a self-ruling tutorial and training zone for sales pros and marketers.

The post How to Optimize Your Lead Generation Website: 5 Essential Tips appeared first on MobileMonkey.