Aloe Fails to Help Radiation Therapy Skin Burns

What are the effects of aloe on radiation burns caused by cancer treatment and on the cancer itself? “Worldwide sustentation was drawn to the possible value of gel prepared from Aloe

Takeaways on Soy and an Edamame Recipe

Edamame is soy in its most whole-food form. The pods containing young soybeans are a snack or starter, first popularized in East Asia. Soybeans naturally contain a matriculation of phytoestrogens

Aloe Is Put to the Test Against Cancer

From a specimen report to a randomized controlled trial, aloe is put to the test versus cancer. For a half century, aloe vera “gel processors and distributors armed with biblical quotes

Paper-Filtered Coffee and Cholesterol

New data suggest plane paper-filtered coffee may raise “bad” LDL cholesterol. In my video from increasingly than a decade ago tabbed Is Coffee Bad for You?, I explained that the “cholesterol-raising

Room of Forgotten Souls

Oregon Hospital for the Insane There is a room in the vault of Oregon State Hospital, nicknamed “The Room of Forgotten Souls.” This state-run hospital opened as the Oregon Hospital for